Get Ready…
Isn’t it cool when God knows what you need and you have no clue until He gives it to you? Yesterday, in church was one of those moments. I have been working on this blog getting ready for launch for a couple of months. I will admit to being sporadic about it and letting the everyday busy-ness to derail me a little from what I feel like God is asking me to do.
Get Set…
Enter the missionary from Africa, special speaker at our church. Jacob Mills and his wife Kim have a unique mission from God to complete in Africa through Pamoja ministries. They are reaching others for Christ and equipping Christians and pastors there through media (movies, magazines, music, etc.) They were at my church on Sunday and Jacob preached out of Jeremiah 1.
He had great things to say, such as reminding us that the Lord is speaking to us and that God has a plan and purpose for us. He was daring and got in our space about all of our excuses why we are not obeying God and doing the things God has planned for our lives.
Then, epiphany moment… He said these words,
“Rather than trying to get God on your side, work on getting on God’s side.”
God has plans for me.
God already has plans for me. He has actually already led me to them. I was only partly following through and doing what He had already called me to do.
I glanced down at my bible and what do I see?
Certain words and phrases starting jumping out at me.
God speaks through His Word
CONSECRATED – You are already consecrated, dedicated and made ready for God’s service. (verse 5)
APPOINTED – God has given you a mission and you are on it, whether you are accomplishing it or not. (verse 5)
YOU SHALL GO! – God is sending me, even if it is through the internet and in my daily life, instead of Africa, to certain people and places (verse 7)
YOU SHALL SPEAK! – I have things in me that God wants me to speak. He is giving me a message that will expand His kingdom and encourage others to live for Him. (verse 7)
I AM WITH YOU – God is with me and I don’t have to be afraid of failure or inadequacy. He’s got my back! (verse 8)
GET UP! GET DRESSED! – Well, the actual text says,
“But you, dress yourself for work, arise, and say to them everything that I command you.” It was like God was reaching right into my heart and pushing me to get serious. I immediately knew I was supposed to be setting my alarm a little earlier and consistently working on typing the message He was speaking into me and posting it on the blog. Treating it like the real mission that it is and less like a hobby.
A Challenge
So, my challenge to you is this. That thing that God is asking or has already asked you to do. Whether it is being nicer to your family or traveling to Africa or publishing a blog post, today is the day to get up, get dressed, and get to work on God’s mission for our lives.
One more awesome nugget from Jacob Mills,
“We’re not all supposed to be taking the same step, but we are all supposed to be taking the next step.”
Let’s pull on our shoes and step out.
Action Step:
Think about one thing that God has been asking you to do that you are not doing. Push aside excuses and take a step today to start accomplishing that mission.
Father God, thank you that you know what we need even when we don’t realize we need it. Thank you for caring enough about us that you push us toward the life that is best for us even when we resist obedience. You are a good God, and you love us too much to let us remain in the messes we create for ourselves. Help us today to take a step of faith-filled action in obedience to what you have planned for us. We’re excited (and maybe a little nervous) to see what adventures you have designed for our abundant life. In Jesus’ name, amen.
For more great devotionals on Christ-centered productivity, CLICK HERE!