Learning from Life Group
We have a fantastic life group. At our church, life groups are the small groups that really provide connection in a larger group setting. We meet at least twice a month at someone’s house, eat dinner and discuss our bible study.
Hebrews Observation
Recently, we read and studied the letters of Paul in the New Testament. When we read Hebrews, one of the women in our group made an observation about Hebrews 10:14 that has stayed with me.
“For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.” Hebrews 10:14 (ESV)
One Single Moment
She was reflecting on the idea that there was this one moment, one act – and at that single moment, all of history was changed. When Jesus offered Himself up on the cross to pay the price for our sins, spiritual reconciliation was achieved for all people who believe for all time.
Shock-Wave For All Time
I picture this immediate shock-wave enveloping history: past, present, and future. Like an atomic bomb, suddenly those who had gone before as well as those alive at that moment in history and those who would come in the future were all paid for.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” I John 1:9 (NASB)
He provided a way
What an amazing God we serve! He provided a way for us unholy people while still in our mess to be purified and made perfect in His eyes. We can connect with Him, come into His presence, and ultimately, spend eternity with Him.
My first Bible art journaling design idea
As I meditated on this thought, I got my very first real picture in my head of artwork for Bible art journaling. I started designing for the first time, a pocket watch with a cross hand and the words “past, present, future” framing around the edge. The excitement began to build even as I was nervous that I wouldn’t be able to get the picture from my head to the page.
Not perfect, but mine
It didn’t. My circles are a little wonky. The oil crayons I used created a strange texture on the page and transferred over the facing page. But, it didn’t matter. I love it anyway, because it memorializes the time I spent in this section of the word of God, our life group discussions, and the early stages of what I hope will be a very long bible art journaling journey.
So here it is…
Inadequate, but still on the Journey
My takeaway from this experience is that there will be many moments in my life and my walk with God where I feel inadequate. Times when I feel as though I don’t know how a situation will turn out. And I might be right that it won’t turn out as I imagine. Sometimes it will come out better and sometimes worse, but the journey is still valuable.
Step Out and Meet God There
Taking a step out of my comfort zone to step out in faith will always result in God meeting me there.
Action Step:
Let’s all get into God’s Word and see what God can do when we are willing to push past our insecurities and doubts.
God, I don’t feel worthy a lot of the time, but you see value in me. You saw it at that moment in history when Jesus’ offering paid for my salvation. Please help me to take my focus off my shortcomings and step out into all you have for me. Even though the butterflies are dancing in my stomach, I am excited to see what adventures you have designed for my life as put you at the center of everything I do. Thank you for loving me. In Jesus’ name, amen.