A Rude Awakening
Married life was a rude awakening for me. I had never considered myself selfish, but then here was another human invading my space, having expectations that I would do things that I had not planned, and generally wanting me to fit into his plans for life.
I found that when I expected something to go a certain way and it didn’t, I was angry, out of sorts, and could easily get mean about it. This person that I had no idea was inside me started coming out and I didn’t like her.
Desperate Hope
I started getting up early to read the bible and pray, desperately hoping I hadn’t made a mistake with this whole “wedded bliss” thing. I mean, I loved my husband, but I wasn’t sure I loved my life or myself with the way I was behaving.
God speaks through His Word
Really quickly, God led me to this verse:
“The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish tears it down with her own hands.” Proverbs 14:1 (NASB)
The Right Verse at the Right Time
It was the perfect verse for me for that season and many seasons since. It resonates somewhere deep inside of me and sticks when little else will.
Not a Victim of Circumstances
When I read Proverbs 14:1, I am reminded that I am not a victim of circumstances but a result of choices. Everyday, I can get up and bemoan the menial tasks, the expectations of others, the I-don’t-want-to’s of life. Or, I can get up and take action to build a life, a marriage, a job, a relationship with my kids, a friendship, a hobby that I really love.
The Brilliance of the Word of God
Through the years the Author of the Universe has shown me the brilliance of His Word in its ability to have weight and meaning in so many different situations.
Tearing Down what I Want to Build
In those early years, I could easily see that by lashing out in anger and selfishness, I was tearing down the marriage relationship I actually wanted to build.
By complaining to my mom, I was undermining my desire for my hubby to get along with my parents. By huffing and puffing and pouting when I didn’t get my way, I was setting an uncomfortable tone in our home when I wanted to build a haven of peace and joy.
I have a choice
Every interaction, every conversation, every reaction – I could either choose to build and strengthen or tear apart and systematically dismantle.
I can see this principle in how healthy I am. With each food choice and whether or not I get up to exercise in the morning, I am choosing to strengthen my physical body or tear down the home for my soul and spirit.
The principle can be applied to a career, training up kids, teaching, volunteering, a new business venture, even housekeeping. All we need is a little perspective.
Check this out…
Crazy, random, and definitely cool!
So many tiny bricks.
So many individual choices to create something that seems overwhelming to even attempt to me. But they were built by people with a plan and consistent, intentional choices to complete that plan.
Brick by Brick
Brick by brick, they built something astounding.
Action Step:
What is one area where you are disappointed or feel discouraged? Acknowledge the things you are doing that sabotage what you are trying to build. Take one step today to replace vandalism with intentional building. Put on your contractor hat and get into action.
God, help us to see the value in what we are building in our lives. To see the plan and to make consistent, intentional choices to build rather than tear down. Today, help us to hold our tongues when we are about to react harshly. Help us to speak up when we have the opportunity to encourage and strengthen. Brick by brick, help us to build our lives into all they can be.