And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him,“The Lord is with you, O mighty man of valor.” Judges 6:12 (ESV)

Who me?
Valor, courage, boldness, determination, great spirit. When the angel appeared to Gideon, he must have been looking around behind himself, like “who me?” because he was a nobody.
Gideon was not a proven warrior. Not even close. He says himself that he is the smallest and weakest from a clan of weaklings who feels like God has forsaken him and all his people. He has given up. Discouragement from generations of disappointments and disobedience hung on the people of Israel like a well-worn coat.
The Hidden War-Hero
Then, an angel shows up and declares that Gideon is a war-hero under all that inferiority who only needs to shrug off the raggedy coat and step out in order to claim his victory. To save an entire people group. To lead when no one is willing to lead.
All the arguments and excuses
Gideon does what we all do when we don’t feel up to the task. He argues with the angel. He finds the excuses. The reasons he can’t possibly succeed at the calling God has for him.
“I will be with you.”
The Lord comes back with a truth that is still irrefutable today. “I will be with you” God’s presence with us is what brings victory, not because we are qualified but in spite of it.
Recognize WHO is with you
When we recognize WHO is with us, then courage and daring are completely within our grasp. We become mighty because of our Mighty God. We can push past and overcome fear because the God of all eternity, Who holds all power is with us.
God with us. Emmanuel.
Arrows in the hands of a mighty warrior
We are like arrows in the hands of a mighty warrior, striking back at the darkness in the world. Flaming arrows, spreading the light of the Good News.
We have a purpose, a mission, a high calling. AND, we have the support of the limitless God to accomplish it.
Launch Forward
When we launch forward in faith, God’s direction and guidance put us right on target, helping us to achieve things much greater than our own innate abilities.
Action Step:
What is that thing God has been leading you to do that makes you feel butterflies in your mid-section? Take a moment right now to recognize the vastness of God and how He will empower you to accomplish what He has called you to do. Pray for courage. Then, get up and do the first thing that is necessary to start obeying that directive.
Mighty God, we are not the ones that are worthy, daring, bold, or full of valor. You are full of power and might. We become courageous because You are with us. Please help us feel Your presence all around us. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. Help us to have the courage and boldness to step out in action. To put feet to the mission you have for us. We are nervous and excited to see all that You have planned. Thank You for Your love and that You never give up on us! In Jesus’ name, amen.