A Symbol of Hope and a Promise
I have a fabulous sister-in-law. She was like a member of our family before she ever married my brother. One of the things she absolutely loves are rainbows. They are a symbol of hope and promise and God’s protection to her.
When things are darkest, God will send a rainbow to brighten her day. So, when I started studying the story of Noah and the ark, I thought of her when I got to these verses about the rainbow.
I Will Remember
For some reason, the words “I will see it” and “I will remember” just jumped off the page at me. It was a reminder to me that God is always right here with us.
He sees us and our circumstances. He never forgets us. He never forgets His promises. He will remember. Always remember His love and care for us. Always remember His divine protection.
God is always right here with us. He sees us and our circumstances. He never forgets us. He never forgets His promises. He will remember.
Mixed Media Fun
I was inspired to make some art on this page. I have seen a lot of mixed media pages on Pinterest, and I’ve never tried it before. SO, I got out some patterned stickers and stamps and paper and paint. And had fun!
God’s Artwork
God takes the rainy depressing seasons of life. He shines His light through the droplets of problems and obstacles and the result is an amazing work of art. Vibrant colors and patterns come together as God turns our mess into a masterpiece.
In the Middle of the Rain
If you are in the middle of the rain, in the middle of an impossible situation, look to God for His transformation of the skies in your life. He has an amazing plan for hope and a future.
The next time you see a rainbow, let it be a sign to you that God is right here. He sees you. He remembers you. And He has great plans for you.
Action Step:
Do you have an area of your life where it feels like the sky is darker than ever and there is no end to the storm in sight? It’s time to turn that over to God and start getting excited about what He can do that no one else can. He can part the clouds and shine His light into your circumstance, creating a beautiful rainbow of colors and designs that come together to make a life a work of art.
God, thank you for Your unique ability to transform bad into good. To easily accomplish what seems impossible. Your rainbows in our lives give us hope and fill us with joy. Help us to surrender our obstacles to You and trust You. Send us a rainbow at just the right time when we are discouraged or feeling hopeless. Help us to always remember that You are with us and You never forget us. In Jesus’ Name, amen.