Ephesians 5:15-16 (ESV)
Reflect and Create
I was inspired to create this bible art journaling page when reflecting on a sermon from my church in the fall (2016).

Power of the yud
Then, last night I was reading from a great devotional book my parents got me for Christmas called The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn.
On Day 7, he is talking about the power of the yud, which is the smallest Hebrew letter. It somewhat translates to our J and I, which means it starts the Hebrew words for the name of God (YHVH), Israel, Jerusalem, and Jesus, among other important words in the bible.
Great Things Start Small
Cahn makes the point that “The greatest of words begin with the smallest of letters.” Then he points out that when we want to make sweeping changes in our lives or accomplish great things, it all begins with a small action.
I was immediately reminded of this passage in Ephesians, especially the phrase in verse 16 “making the best use of the time.”
Before do, there is decide
Before I can do great things, I have to decide that I am going to do them. I have to decide to take the first step. To inch forward into the first risky movement toward the goal I have set. Before do, there is decide.
Get on Board
God has great plans for everyone of us. He has placed hopes, dreams, and callings in our lives. We need to get on board with His purposes and take action.
Make the most of the time
Even a small action can set a course for accomplishing great things. Right now, I need to decide how to make the most out of the time I have left this day, this week, this month, this year. We don’t need January first to make a change. We need a decision.
Hopes for the future take action today
Take a moment to put aside all distractions and hear that tiny, quiet voice inside that is revealing the dreams and hopes for the future. Let it blossom inside and begin to put down roots.
Now, let’s get our priorities straight. If we get Christ in the center of our lives and move in small actions toward His goals for us, it will be amazing what He can do through us.
Action Step:
Take a moment and identify what the first step is toward the dream God has placed in your heart that you have yet to achieve. Take the first step. It’s as simple (if scary sometimes) as that! Do the initial small action – all big things start small. They start with a decision.
Dear God, You are the author of all life. You decided and then spoke all things into existence. Thank You that You have plans and purposes for all of us, no matter our age or situation. Lead us and guide us, Lord. Help us to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and be brave enough to take the first action today toward all the abundance You have for us. In Jesus’ name, amen.