For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told.
Habakkuk 1:5 (ESV)
I will take my stand at my watchpost and station myself on the tower,
and look out to see what he will say to me, and what I will answer concerning my complaint.
Habakkuk 2:1 (ESV)
For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie.
If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.
Habakkuk 2:3 (ESV)
Wait for it!
One of my favorite TV shows that I have ever watched is called Psych. The main character Shawn has insane observation and deduction abilities and pretends to be a psychic. He and his best friend Gus run a “psychic” detective agency that assists police investigations.
During the show, Shawn is always saying, “Wait for iiiiittttt!”
Modern Times in the Old Testament
I immediately heard his voice in my head when I read this passage. The whole story of Habakkuk feels like it could be describing modern times.
I can relate to Habakkuk
Not much is known about Habakkuk, but he questions God just like I do sometimes. He wonders why it doesn’t feel like God is answering his prayers. He doesn’t understand God’s methods.
He sees cruel, wicked people winning and the people of God being defeated. He wonders why God is allowing all these things to happen. There are times I can really relate to Habakkuk.
God responds to Habakkuk.
God also responds to me.
He says to open your eyes. God is doing a work that even if He told us, we wouldn’t believe it. In other words, we won’t understand His methods. We can’t predict how it will turn out. But He is working.
God is at Work
We have to watch. We have to wait. We have to see God at work in the world today.
How do we do this?
Prayer. Communicating with God helps us to adjust our vision and align it with God’s. It enables us to get on the same page with God and assist in His plans, even when we can’t see the whole of His intentions.
What is our job?
To kneel. Kneel in prayer and get ourselves out of the way. Our own ideas about how things should be going have to be put aside. We need to ask God for His perspective and that we won’t miss what He is doing.
To stand. Stand in the watchtower and look for what God is doing. We need to open our eyes and be aware of what is happening in the world, in our country, but most importantly, in our own lives. Sometimes we get so caught up in the buzz words and trending information of the day that we miss what God is doing in the small circle of our own lives.
To wait. Wait for God to do what He has said He will do. God has great plans and what He has in mind will astound and amaze everyone.
To wonder. We need to fill our hearts and minds with the wonder of God. He has already done incredible things for us and in us. He is the Creator God, the Infinite, Salvation for our sins, Builder of our heavenly home, and so much more.
God is not delaying the answers. He is always right on time. Life in God’s hands is like a well-crafted novel, where all of the pieces come together at the end in an “aha” moment that the reader never saw coming but is obvious in its brilliance once you see the result.
Action Step:
Start with prayer. And keep going with prayer. When something pops up during the day that seems inexplicable, turn to God in prayer asking for His perspective. When we come to Him, He will not turn us away. Stand for truth but not in a vengeful and vindictive way, in love for others, emulating God’s own love for people. Wait for iiiiiittttt! God is at work in our day and what He does will be amazing!
God, we wonder at You and Your amazing power. We are astounded at what You have already done and eagerly anticipate what You are at work on now. Help adjust our vision to see what You see. Help us to get on board with what You are doing in our lives right now. Open our eyes and enable us to see. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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Thanks so much for reading! Glad you liked it! – Amanda