Rise Up!
This is such a cool story!
A man, never able to walk, lame from birth. He is always laid at the temple so he can beg for his livelihood. He is completely dependent upon the mercy of others.
Just Normal Day
Then, one morning, on a day that seems like any other day, he is begging at the temple gate. Just a normal day, with people passing him by, pretending he isn’t there, trying not to make eye contact.
On that very ordinary morning, when he desperately needs the mercy of those around him, his life is about to be radically transformed.
Going to the Temple to Pray
Peter and John were also having an ordinary day. They were going about their business, walking to the temple to pray. They come to the gate where the lame man is begging.
See the Man
Peter doesn’t avert his eyes, trying to pretend he doesn’t see this man in dire need. Neither does John. They direct their gaze right at him, meeting his eyes, listening to his pleas.
Hope Rises
Hope rises within him. He expects money, very necessary, very needed income to live.
Peter isn’t carrying any cash. This is so me! 🙂
So much more than money
He looks right into the beggar’s eyes and says, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!”
He reaches down and touches the man, probably not the most desirable person to touch. He takes the beggar’s hand and brings him to his feet. As he stands, the lame man’s feet and ankles miraculously strengthen and grow strong enough to support his weight.
Walking and Leaping and Praising
He doesn’t just stand. He walks and leaps into the temple, giving praise to God.
He wasn’t a stranger. Everyone had walked right past him everyday, every year of his life, as he begged at the gate of the temple.
Filled with Wonder
They see him and are filled with wonder. They are amazed at the miracle that has occurred.
This miracle opens the door for Peter to preach Christ to the crowd. People were drawn to the power of Christ that had healed this hopeless case.
Rise UP and WALK
As I was reflecting on Peter’s words, I had some thoughts.
Peter says, “What I do have, I give to you. In the name of Jesus, rise up and walk!”
What do I have? I think most of us live such ordinary, routine lives, we don’t think we have anything to offer.
I am a child of the Father
But, I am a child of the almighty Father, Heir with Christ, beloved of the one true, everlasting and all-powerful God.
I’m not the only one. If you have accepted Jesus’ gift of salvation, you are identified with Christ and a child of the King too.
We share in His suffering and His resurrection.
Do we recognize that we are already equipped with the resurrection power of Jesus?
We just need to rise up! We need to get up and take our rightful place as children of the omnipotent Creator God. We need only meet the gaze of those in need, reach down and lift up those in need.
We have something to offer
We have the best thing in the world to offer those around us if we will simply open our eyes to see the people around us who desperately need Jesus. We can offer not only what they require immediately in meeting their physical needs, but also their eternal needs, salvation, deliverance, and healing.
Action Step:
Let’s open our eyes to those in need around us today. They may not be homeless beggars (or they may be). They could be the person next door or the person the cubicle next to us. Let’s ask God to use us to meet needs and help those around us. Let’s bring hope to the hurting in our lives today. Let’s be a living hope anthem today.
God, help us to be instruments of your healing and deliverance today. Help us to truly see the people you have made in your image and not to ignore their pain. Enable us to bring glory to you. In Jesus’ name, amen.