I homeschool my kids (4th grade and 7th grade). About a week ago, something in my son’s reading curriculum really captured my attention. The story’s point was that if you have all you need, you are rich. This is not at all how we usually think about wealth and riches in America. In fact, it was so foreign to my son that when the questions after the story asked, “If you have all that you need, are you rich?” He answered no right away.
Even John D. Rockefeller, who was the world’s richest man during his lifetime, obviously extremely wealthy, did not think he had enough. When asked how much money is enough money, he replied, “just a little bit more.”
However, if I am being honest, I have all that I need and more. In many areas of the world, I would be considered rich indeed.
But then I read in Mark 10 when Jesus says that it is difficult, even impossible, for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God. Ok, ok, surely that means a REALLY rich person. You know, extreme wealth. Rockefeller, Carnegie, Rothschild, Gates, etc.
Maybe. Maybe not.
If I think I have all I need, I am self-sufficient. In order to enter the kingdom of God, I have to recognize that I am not sufficient in myself. I must come to the realization that I need something. I need a Savior.
If I don’t really need anything, I won’t recognize my need for redemption. It takes the revelation of God to open my eyes to my need for a Savior.
It takes God doing the impossible on my behalf.
Praise the Lord that Jesus did not stop after saying,
“Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”
He went on to say,
“With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.”
It is impossible for us to enter the kingdom of God on our own, in our own self-sufficiency. We must have the help of the God of the Impossible. He alone makes the Way available to us.
You might think of yourself as rich or not quite rolling in the dough, but without Jesus, we are all in an impossible place in desperate need of the One who makes all things possible.
Take a moment and let it settle in your heart that Jesus is the only Way. We can’t earn, buy, or negotiate our way to eternity in heaven with God the Father. Jesus is THE WAY. Whether rich or poor, our situation is impossible without Him!
Action Step: Today, let’s lean on Him a little more. Thank Him a little more often. And have a little more grace and love for those who are still stuck in the impossible side of miraculous redemption. We’ve all been there.
God, thank you for making a Way for us to have relationship with you. Thank you that it doesn’t depend on our abilities or earnings. We are so grateful for Jesus and the cross. Open our eyes to the amazing miracle of Your redeeming grace! In Jesus’ name, amen.