Something unexpected is happening as I read through Mark chapter by chapter. I am coming across little stories of ordinary people. Unassuming people that caught the attention of Jesus with their faith and love and devotion in action.
Here in this story, a woman comes to where Jesus is staying and empties a jar of very costly perfume on his head. Take a moment. Okay, so I would not respond as nicely as Jesus does here.
If someone came in to my house while I was eating dinner and poured any kind of liquid (I don’t care how expensive it is) over my head, I am likely to get very grumpy.
But Jesus sees the heart of this woman. With all the guys around him complaining about the waste of money, Jesus sees that this woman is honoring Him and showing her devotion in an action that costs her immensely.
One woman. She gave all she had, pouring out her love as an offering, she has anointed THE ANOINTED ONE. For one simple act, she will be remembered forever.
Messiah actually means “Anointed One.” Jesus, the Christ, the literal Anointed One.
This ordinary woman recognizes Jesus for Who He actually is and acts accordingly. She puts her devotion into action, no matter if it makes no sense to those around her or around Him.
She is rewarded with Jesus returning the favor, seeing her for who she is. He says that she will be remembered as long as and as far as the gospel is proclaimed.
An ordinary woman. Remembered right along Jesus throughout the whole world. Throughout future centuries.
What does that have to do with me?
Sometimes my life doesn’t seem like much of an offering and my acts of devotion appear too insignificant (even if they cost me a lot) to pour out before God.
But He doesn’t see me, my life, or my acts of devotion like that. He sees my heart in the middle of my messy life and loves me loving Him.
Action Step: This week we will read about the sacrifice Jesus made for us. As we see His love for us, our love and gratitude toward Him will begin to grow even more. What can we do today that is a costly, messy, extravagant offering of our devotion to Him? Take some action – devotion in action.
God, thank You that You see us. Thank you that ordinary, or even crazy, acts of devotion are not overlooked by You. When we pour out our lives as an offering, even if they are messy lives, Jesus loves us in our mess and accepts that offering as pure, valuable worship. In Jesus’ name, amen.