This is absolutely perfect timing to finish up our study of Mark. I have really enjoyed reading through this book about the life of Jesus. I hope you have too!
Isn’t it great that Jesus did not stay on the cross forever?
They wrapped Him and put Him in a grave. But He didn’t stay there either.
When the women who loved Jesus came to the tomb after the Sabbath, the huge stone that had been rolled in front of the entrance to the tomb had been rolled back out of the way.

The women were alarmed and thought that grave robbers had been to the tomb before them.
But then they are told three things:
1. Do not be alarmed.
It is amazing how many times in the bible we are reminded that we do not need to be alarmed, worried, troubled, etc. Why is it so hard for us to put aside concerns and burdens and trust the God who does impossible things?
2. Jesus is risen. He is not here.
In a massive stroke of authority over even death, hell, and the grave, Jesus has proved His status as Son of God and Messiah by coming back from death (excrutiating death on the cross) and burial.
3. Go tell His disciples what has happened and that He will be in Galilee. He will see you there.
The women are given a mission. I think that this is just like God. He will help us if we let him. In a situation where we are prone to worry, God will comfort us, speak truth to us, and give us a job to do. It gives us purpose and direction.
This Easter, let’s remember all that Christ did for us and accept what God is offering. His peace. His truth. His mission.
Action Step: The biggest thing God has told me to do is to keep consistently in His word and writing these devotionals. Sometimes, I feel Him stetching me to adding different components to this blog. When I feel that whisper of the Holy Spirit, I will choose to go for it even when I don’t know how yet. 🙂 What is God challenging you to do? Know that His peace is surrounding you. His truth is right there waiting for you. He has a purpose for your life.
God, thank you for all that you do for us and that you use us to accomplish your purposes here on earth. Thank you for this happy Easter, not because of bunnies, baskets, and chocolates, but because of the gift and power of Jesus. Help us to keep our focus true and our devotion active. In Jesus’ name, amen.