We are about to embark on a really cool study! Ephesians is an awesome handbook to following Christ – it lets us know who we are in Christ and how to practically live for Him. I can’t wait to see what God reveals to all of us as we read and study this book.
A little background on this six chapter book in the New Testament:
What is it?
The book of Ephesians is not actually a book at all. It is a letter from the early decades after the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Who wrote it?
Paul wrote this letter to the church at Ephesus (the Ephesian Christians).
When was it written?
Most bible scholars say this letter was written around 60 A.D. Paul wrote it while he was imprisoned in Rome and could not go to visit the church at Ephesus.
Why is it important?
Paul’s letter is split into two main parts. Chapters 1-3 are typically seen as all about who we are in Christ. In other words, what is our position? Chapters 4-6 are seen as practical advice on how to live out the Christian life in the everyday.
It is a book perfectly written for those of us trying to live lives of devotion in action to the One who gave all for us.
Will you come along with me? Each week, I will post about a chapter in Ephesians and my hope is that you will take the time to read that chapter too and comment on what God made jump out at you!
Comment below if you are in!
Click on each of the chapters below to view the corresponding devotional:
Ephesians 1: Designed and Empowered to Take Action
Ephesians 2: Take Action – Part of the Team
Ephesians 3: Take Action – Put Down Roots and Shine
Ephesians 4: Take Action – Walk Worthy
Ephesians 5: Take Action – In This Together
Ephesians 6: Take Action – Ready for Anything