This one took a little work, ya’ll. I’m not gonna lie. Not the actual art. No, the video was what gave me fits. I had to learn how to flip a video upside down (yep, I recorded it upside down), record and edit a voice-over, get rid of the audio on the actual video and speed this sucker up so you weren’t watching 2 hours of me sketching and watercoloring. Then, I ran into technical difficulties with the mic for recording the narration. I am relieved that I finally got the video finished.
One thing it did illustrate was exactly the focus of this chapter in Ephesians. I could not have done this alone. God led me to online tutorials, forums, and my husband 😉 to help me get through the obstacles that arose with this video. I am so glad that I do not have to accomplish the task God has given me to do all by my lonesome. I am part of a team that supports, encourages, and helps me out.
If you haven’t read/watched the devotional on Ephesians 2, check it out here!
I used a free commercial license image from pixabay.com. I converted it to black and white and increased the contrast to make it more visible through the freezer paper. Click on the image to download.
I pray that as you and I begin to engage with God’s word in these creative ways, He reveals more of Himself to us and helps us to reveal Him to the world. I sincerely hope you are enjoying this study of Ephesians as much as I am!
Blessings to you,