Pink tennis shoes and jeans…add a t-shirt and you have my go-to outfit in high school. Maybe that is why I was drawn to this image for my Ephesians 4 bible art journaling entry. I love the image of someone leaning against the wall taking a moment to think before acting (or reacting). Someone who is choosing to take action wisely so they can walk worthy rather than just instinctively.
If you haven’t gotten a chance to check out the Ephesians 4 devotional post, click HERE to link to Take Action: Walk Worthy.

For this entry, I used regular number two pencils, black Pigma Micron pens (.005 and .01), and some Prismacolor Premier colored pencils.
Enjoy the video of the creation of this bible art journaling entry in Ephesians 4!
Take it from a non-artist, if I can do it, you can too! Roll up your sleeves and dive in to creating in God’s word today. You won’t regret the time spent learning His ways.
Have a great day!