Eek! This is some of my favorite word art that I have ever done. I have seen a lot of armor of God bible art journaling entries on pinterest and they were either far beyond my skill level serious or uber-cutesy. (That’s probably not a word.) So, I started doodling in my sketch book and thinking about this passage of scripture.
I wrote down the words that stood out to me. Be strong. Stand firm. Ready. Then my doodling started paring up Stand and Strong. Block letters and cursive. Then, I thought, “How cool would it be if the ‘T’ was the Sword of the Spirit. From there, the pieces of armor kind of chose themselves a letter. Love it when that kind of stuff happens.
If you haven’t gotten a chance to check out the devotional post on Ephesians 6, click HERE for Take Action: Ready for Anything.
I played around with the sketch in my sketchbook until I had it about to where I liked it, then started sketching in my journaling bible. Yay!
After the sketch, I got to outline and color. I still haven’t outgrown loving to color. 🙂
Here is how it turned out:
Here is the video of the entire process…
Hope you dive into this last chapter of Ephesians and create something wonderful in your time with God too! I would love to see your bible art if you want to share. Feel free to put a pic in the comments or over on the facebook page.