I jumped out and took a risk on this one. I went straight for it without drawing the whole thing in pencil first – yikes! I can’t believe I was that brave, but I am pretty happy with how it turned out! Perfect is not the point. The process is the point.
As I was creating this, I started talking about the process being the point of bible art journaling rather than the page being the focus. Something occurred to me as I was saying it aloud on the video.
As we are bible art journaling, we are spending time with God in His word. He is transforming us and renewing us through His holy, inspired word. In a sense, we are the art that is being created. The process is actually creating us.
That is far more important than the lines being straight and the paint ‘just so.’
It is my hope and prayer that you are being encouraged to dive deeper into God’s word, interact with it, apply it to your life, and see our miraculous God at work as we do this series, Time for Miracles.
Here is the video of the process:
Have a wonderful week!