Look up! We are pretty excited about today. After a Chick-Fil-A lunch, Grandma, the kids, and I will be slipping on our paper solar glasses and viewing the eclipse in 99.932% totality. No, we won’t take off our glasses, so don’t worry about us. 🙂
The events of today have me thinking about this verse in Psalm 19.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Psalm 19:1 (ESV)
If you are not sure what all the hoopla is about. The “Great Solar Eclipse of 2017” is when the moon will move between the earth and the sun, creating a total solar eclipse. The ‘path’ of this eclipse will travel in a diagonal across the United States from Oregon to South Carolina. It will look a little like the moon is Cookie Monster munching away at the sun until it is all gone for a short period of time. Then, the moon will spit it back out, restoring it to its proper shape. As the moon moves across the face of the sun, an unnatural darkness will descend in the middle of the day.
And millions of people, including me, will be looking up.
Looking up at the interaction between the sun and the moon. God created both of them and declared them both good.
In my life, there are lots of good things too. Those things can be things created by God, put into my life by Him, and beneficial to me. However, they can darken my life if I allow them to eclipse the greatness of God.
If I let them get between God and me, even though they are good things, they will darken my life and cause me to stumble.
The eclipse today will be a reminder to me to keep the different areas of my life in perspective and proper priority alignment.
What is God saying to you as you look up today?
Dear God, thank You that You speak to us through Your Word, Your Spirit, and Your creation all the time. Your words give life and endure. Help us to have ears to hear. Help us to not let anything come between us. In Jesus’ name, amen.