Yep. I said I was going to use those distress inks again soon and sure enough, the very next entry I do, I turn to those distress inks. This technique was so fun. A little messy – but really fun! If you are a perfectionist who wants to know exactly how something will turn out, this is probably not going to be your cup of tea.  I used plastic wrap, distress inks, water, colored pencils, micron pen, and some acrylic paint for this page and basically had fun playing.

Shout out: I learned about “smooshing” paint from Lindsey on her youtube channel Lindsey Decor. Check it out! Great bible art journaling tips and ideas!

The yellow and orange and pink colors of the distress ink came about because I recently read the scripture about God being a consuming fire. (Deuteronomy 4:24) That was in my mind as I read about God being my rock and the two kind of melded as I was creating on this page.

I find that the distress inks bleed through on my bible pages, so I did page prep with clear gesso. I have recently found that if I put one coat of gesso on the page, it wrinkles up A LOT! If I do two coats, it is a little better. Two coats is what I always did until a couple of weeks ago. I put down an extra coat because I was nervous about using some new materials and amazingly, the page flattened out and got softer too. So, for me, three light layers of gesso with heat gun drying in between is the perfect amount to make my pages lay flatter, prevent bleed through, and provide a good texture for the page. Who knew?!?

One thing  to note is that my pencil writes a lot darker on top of the gesso than on an untreated page. That is one reason I drew in the mountain and then erased it. It was just too dark for what I wanted on this page. Again, something to play around with!

After I finished the page, I grabbed a rock and my acrylic paints and painted a rock cause it just sounded fun! When I finished it didn’t quite look done, so I added some paint splatters and liked those so much that I had to come back and add some to the page. I now have a new addiction to paint splatters. Eek!

The words at the bottom of the mountain say, “My God. My Rock. Perfect, Faithful, Strong.”

Here is the video of the full process:

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Have fun creating in your bible!

Bible Art Journaling Process for Deuteronomy 32:4 (My God. My Rock.)