Everyday you can turn on the tv and see stories of people who have been overcome. Enslaved by their emotions, addictions, abuses suffered, they lash out, causing the destruction of their lives and the lives of others.
You see, overcoming goes both ways. We are designed and destined by God to be overcomers, but we can be overcome and enslaved when we don’t follow God’s plan. One of the quickest ways to derail our ability to overcome is us being overcome by evil. Evil doesn’t always seem evil.
When you start looking at the seemingly perfect lives of others on pinterest or facebook. When you admire other men at church and your husband starts to seem less worthy of love than before. When you are enjoying the company of the other women at your church and the conversation moves to criticizing and complaining, even with a spirit of camaraderie. When something good starts to become something you feel that you have to have it everyday or all day long. When a little white lie doesn’t seem so bad…
Envy, Fear, Worry, Anger, Violence, Greed, Lying, Gossip, Sickness, Alcohol, Drugs, Porn, etc. Even comparison with others. Remember Numbers 13, “We were like grasshoppers in our own eyes.” CLICK HERE for the Week 1 devotional in Numbers 13.
Comparison robbed them of their ability to overcome. They never entered their promise. They never stepped into their destiny. They submitted to their own insecurities.
There are a number of things the devil will use to entrap, enslave, and rob us of our power to overcome.
Slipping into those things that would seek to overcome us gives them power over us. It is like walking right into slavery.
When obstacles arise, we have a choice. A choice to give in to the difficulties and problems. Or a choice to trust in the God who has overcome for centuries and continues to overcome today.
Each day this week we will address some of the things which the bible says can overcome us if we allow them.
It’s time to make a choice to believe God is Who He says He is.
It’s not who we are. It’s WHO HE IS.
If you are already overcome and enslaved, our God is a God of deliverance. The truth of God’s power. The truth of Jesus’ overcoming death can set you free.
It’s time to call out to Him. To seek help. To obey His directives. To find freedom.
Action Step: Take a moment of introspection. Investigate the areas in your life where you are in danger of (or already) being overcome and enslaved. Turn away and seek the freedom only God can bring. But most of the time, we need some accountability. If you have realized that you have a problem and need to overcome it, it is important to tell someone and ask for help. Godly counsel is important, especially if you have suffered abuse. Addictions need to be addressed in the context of a professional or dedicated group (like Alcoholics Anonymous). Hiding problems in darkness causes them to grow. Shining a light on them is the first step to gaining freedom from them.
Dear God, You are a God of overcoming and freedom. Thank you that You love us too much to leave us the way we are. You have designed us to be victorious. Help us to recognize the dangers and believe in Your power to overcome. In Jesus’ name, amen.