I love the thought of this devotional! Lion tamers and overcomers. That’s what we are through Christ! When I read 1 Peter 5:6-11 and started thinking about this, I knew I wanted this bible art journaling entry to be a lion tamer and lion, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it.
The internet is a marvelous thing, folks! I found this image:
I just altered the mouth of the lion so he would be roaring, and, voila!
I had a ton of fun with watercolors and micron pen – so simple, yet I am super happy with how they turned out!
Here is the full process video:
Here is what I used:
Come get freebies to join in with this study on becoming an Overcomer in October – CLICK HERE!
If you haven’t checked out the devotional post that goes with this bible art journaling, CLICK HERE to check out the Lion Tamers and Overcomers devotional!
I hope you are inspired today to dig into God’s word and experience His wonders for yourself!