How cool is this idea? All those people, those who have run the race, who have overcome in their lives. They are watching us, cheering us on. They are encouraging us as we live our lives. We are not alone as we seek to become overcomers.
There is a huge heaven full of heroes of the faith who are cheering us on. Us. I don’t know about you, but that thought humbles me and challenges me to keep on going.
The end of verse three says “so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.”
When I was younger, my family would vacation in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. We would hike up and down mountains. Sometimes when we are climbing a mountain, you get really tired. So tired that you lose sight of the beauty and majesty all around you. Eyes down on your feet, you trudge, exhaustedly, up the steep incline.
The ironic thing is that if you keep your eyes up, focus on the beauty around you, it is energizing. Staying amazed actually helps you not to grow weary.
God is amazing! He gives us endless opportunities to focus on the beauty and majesty of His character and creation. When we do, we are energized and encouraged to keep trying to overcome. And, all those who have gone before are cheering us on.
We are designed to overcome. We are destined to overcome. We are encouraged to overcome.
Don’t grow weary. Stay amazed.
Action Step: Take a moment and think about all the wonderful things God has done for you. Contemplate the gorgeous creation all around you. Cultivate a lifestyle of amazement, so you don’t grow weary or fainthearted. In order to overcome, we have to keep going. Persistence is so much easier when we stay amazed at our incredible God.
Dear God, thank you that you are endlessly amazing. Your creation is beautiful, and we are a part of it. Help us to stay amazed at all that you are and all that you do. Help us not to grow weary or fainthearted. In Jesus’ name, amen.