Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
the fruit of the womb a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior
are the children of one’s youth.
Blessed is the man
who fills his quiver with them!
He shall not be put to shame
when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.
Psalm 127:3-5 (ESV)
I’ve been thinking a lot about heritage in the last week. My wonderful Papaw went home to be with Jesus a week and a half ago. All the family converged on my parents’ house from all over the nation to spend the weekend sharing memories and celebrating his amazing life. It felt more like a family reunion than a funeral, with so much laughter and joy.
You see, he was 97 years old. My grandmother died 11 years ago and he has missed her ever since. He lived a Christ-centered life with a heavy emphasis on the importance of family. Even at the end, he was touching people’s lives and sharing Jesus with them. He was ready for heaven and just let go of this world. In one moment, absent from the body and present with His Lord.
I often hear people say, “He’s in a better place” when someone dies. In this case, it really is true. He is in a better place. Worshipping Jesus with the love of his life by his side. Are there saxophones in heaven? If so, Papaw is probably playing his heart out to a heavenly worship song.
Papaw and Nonnie had three children. They were truly arrows in the hands of some mighty warriors. My aunts and my dad are lighthouses pointing the way to Jesus in each of their communities. All of their children, Papaw’s grandchildren are serving the Lord as well. We are raising our children to love and follow Christ too. The heritage entrusted to my grandfather is a legacy that will never put him to shame.
At this weekend, there were nine worship leaders in Papaw’s descendants. Several who teach the word and preach were also there. He set the tone early on for commitment to Christ and service in the house of God.
What an outstanding joy to have lived life well and finished strong!
Today, I am thankful that I have children, a heritage full of potential, to carry on the legacy entrusted to me by my Papaw. I am determined to catch the vision and run my race with the endurance he modeled for me. To point and direct the arrows in my quiver toward Jesus at every opportunity.
Action Step: When the laundry and homeschool lessons feel overwhelming, I want to choose to see the bigger picture. To realize that these children in my home are the heritage I am leaving, my message to the world. There is no greater calling than to raise them to love God and love people.
Dear God, help me to see the big picture, that you have placed eternity in the hearts of my children. They are a heritage you have entrusted to me. Remind me that I am writing a legacy in their lives that will affect the lives of my grandchildren and great grandchildren. Help me to hear Your voice and follow Your leading as they follow me. In Jesus’ name, amen.