Christmas is 10 days away – yay! I love this time of year: the music, the desserts, the smells, the time with family, the gifts, the decorations and lights. Christmas is my favorite!
But, it can also be a pretty stressful time of the year. I volunteer as a worship leader at my church (my husband is the music pastor) and I teach part-time at a local Catholic school. With those two things, I have many practices, performances, services, etc. in December. My to-do list grows exponentially and it is easy to forget the real meaning of the season.
This year, I don’t want to lose sight of the actual Light of the World.
If you haven’t read the full devotional yet, CLICK HERE FOR THIS WEEK’S DEVOTIONAL POST.
This is a super simple micron pen word art entry. It didn’t take long, yet it will always remind me of what God was speaking to me this week.
Here is the full process video:
Here is what I used:
I hope you are inspired today to dig into God’s word and experience His wonders for yourself!
Merry Christmas!