Isn’t it amazing how one word can make a difference?
When I was a kid, I remember laying back on my mother while she was reading to me. I smiled up at her and said, “I love that you are so soft… and fluffy!” If I had just stopped at “soft”, my “compliment” would have probably warmed her heart. However, by adding the word fluffy, my well-meaning compliment completely derailed. Oops!
I love to read and I love to write, so words are fascinating to me. I love to read etymologies and take apart a word to its roots in Greek or Latin. Yep, I totally geek out on vocabulary.
One of My Favorite Verses
So, the opening of the gospel of John is one of my favorites in the whole bible.
Jesus Himself is the Word. He was with God in the beginning and He is God.
Sometimes thinking about the Trinity makes me feel like I have fallen down an uber sci-fi rabbit hole.
Through the Word
All things were made through this Creator God, through His Word. He spoke the WORD and worlds sprang to life. The stars were placed in the sky. The planets began to spin. The water and land separated and were filled with living creatures.
God’s Amazing Power
The power of God’s Word is hard for us to even wrap our brains around. We can’t even fathom what can happen when God speaks. And here John says that Jesus Himself is the Word.
All that power. All that creativity. All in the person of Jesus.
And He did not sit up on a throne in heaven. He willingly came down and confined the limitless power of a Holy God into this human flesh. So He could experience what we experience. So He can relate to what we are going through. So He could conquer what we are powerless to overcome.
Our Powerful Overcomer
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14 (ESV)
We are studying John in my life group at church right now, and I learned from a fellow life group member that the word “dwelt” means “pitched his tent”. I love that imagery. Jesus pitched his tent and settled in with us – Emmanuel – God with us.
Action Step:
Let’s take this opportunity to say thank you to Jesus for coming to be with us. At the same time, it’s a good idea to assess how we use our words. We wield enormous power in what we choose to speak. Is the Word pleased with our words this year? This month? This week? Or do we need to make adjustments in what we are speaking?
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14 (ESV)
Dear God, thank You for sending Your Son, the Word, to live among us and relate to us. Let our words of our mouths be pleasing to You. Help us to guard our tongues from sin and speak Your word over our lives. In Jesus’ name, amen.
If you haven’t read the other posts from the Gospel of John, click here to see them.