I love to sing.
I was a music education major in college and every Thursday, we would have a master class. A time when the vocal teachers and all the vocal students gathered together. A few of the students were chosen to perform each week, and the vocal teachers would critique them in front of all the other students (so everyone can learn from the successes and mistakes of the others). I had been sitting in them for weeks, when my turn came around.
Suddenly, I was the one standing on the stage singing for my peers.
I was the one being critiqued.
And tears started streaming down my face. I recognized in the moment that it was silly to be crying. I wanted to stop. But I just couldn’t. I was responding to the comments completely appropriately, except for all the water running down my face. I didn’t even know why I was crying.
After a few moments, my vocal teacher cleared the room. Yep, you heard me right…I shut down the master class.
He looked me in the eye and asked,
“Who told you that you’re not good at this?”
Right then, in that moment, a memory surfaced and I could hear in my head a close childhood friend of mine saying, “Of course, Amanda’s just okay. She’ll never really be good.” (referring to my singing)
In a more normal moment, where I was not so emotional, I don’t think I would have even remembered the comment. I would say that I had an extremely supportive and encouraging environment growing up. But that one comment had obviously stuck with me.
It had over taken all the positive comments that people poured into me while I was growing up.
Because I believed my friend’s statement about me at some level, I was shackled and unable to progress past a certain point.
I felt unworthy. I felt invalid.
Just like this sick man at the pool. He has not been able to work or contribute to society. All he can do is sit by a pool and hope for help. He sees himself as incapable and powerless to change it. Society sees him as an invalid with no validity.
An invalid who is also invalid.
But then…
One encounter with Jesus and his life is completely transformed. Jesus speaks into his life and he is changed from invalid to valid, from powerless to capable, from an invalid to healed and whole. Jesus saw past the sickness to the possibility. He was invalid no longer.
After my vocal teacher realized what was wrong with me, he worked tirelessly with me to help me overcome it. He helped form a routine of speaking truth to myself daily and especially before performances. Speaking the truth, reminding myself how Jesus sees me, broke through the barriers I had trapped myself behind for so many years.
Is there an area of your life today where you feel powerless? Jesus is all-powerful.
Is there an area of your life where you feel stuck? Jesus breaks down barriers.
Is there an area of your life where you feel passed by or cheated out of what you deserve? Jesus has given more than any of us deserve and we are blessed beyond measure through Him if we will only take advantage of it.
Action Step:
Take a look at the barriers and attitudes you have been holding onto. How does Jesus see you? You are a child of the One True King. Blessed, chosen, highly favored, called, anointed, empowered by the Holy Spirit, delivered, and eminently precious to your Creator. It’s time to speak the truth to yourself and not blame circumstances or others for where you currently are. Write down the truth and read it to yourself everyday. Yes, I mean out loud. Speak the truth over yourself. The truth can set you free.
Dear God, thank You that You do not see us as we see ourselves. Thank you that barriers and limitations do not apply to you. Help us to tell ourselves the truth and to live in freedom. In Jesus’ name, amen.
If you have missed out on the beginning of our study in John, click here to find the first four chapters.
This post is so powerful! I’m excited to follow you and read more! 🙂
Thanks so much, Kristy! 🙂
These are very rich moments for me ! Praying for you and the creativity you have been gifted. Pastor Hal
Thank you so much, Pastor Hal! I appreciate your prayers!