Want a super easy way to interact with God’s Word creatively?
This post is for you! It doesn’t get much easier than this to get started in bible art journaling. Just create a wash of color in the bottom triangle of the page on the journaling side with watercolors (or gelatos, or colored pencils or acrylics…you get the picture) and glue on the free printable. Add a journaled prayer or thought of your own. Voila! Bible art journaling doesn’t have to be confusing and difficult – it just has to help you get into the bible and remember what God is speaking to you through His word.
A Guide for Everyday Life
The real treasure is the time spent in this living and active book that can be a guide for our everyday lives! That is what bible art journaling is really focused on. Allowing your creative side to make spending time with God a joy rather than a chore is the whole point and purpose of this form of devotion. It is an active, involved process where the artistic result is not the real goal. Rather, a changed heart, a transformed mind – those are the true masterpieces which are being developed.
My Bible Art Journaling Entry for John 7:
Your Turn
Go grab your watercolors, a brush, and a couple cups of water. If you want this free printable (as well as the ones I will be using for John 8 and 9), simply click on the image below to get the pdf. A glue stick and some scissors will complete your major supplies. Super simple!
Here is the Full Process Video:
Materials I used:
I love my Windsor Newton Cotman Watercolor Field Set. They are a student grade watercolor set, but the colors are so saturated and creamy when you are working with them. Since I started bible art journaling, I have used Sakura Micron pens and still really like them! They come in a variety of colors and sizes, but today, I just used the basic black pen.
Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.
New to Bible Art Journaling?
If this form of worship and bible study is new to you, check out my post on getting started bible art journaling HERE. Or, read about my personal journey HERE.
Or…Just jump in and create along with me as I read through the chapters in John! I would love to have you along with me on this journey. Come on!
If you want to check out any chapter from the series in John, click here: Good News – A Study of John
Here are the printables for the entire book of John: