Listen to the Shepherd – John 10 Devotional
I am not a farm girl. Not even close. Sometimes, I think it sounds great. That whole “return to the simple life” thing that is sweeping the nation right now. If you are a farmer/country girl sort of person, I have so much respect for you. It takes a lot of hard work and is a ton of responsibility.
It’s just not me. My husband and I will probably never raise chickens or plant acres of corn. Turning my backyard flower beds into places to plant tomatoes, green beans, and pickling cucumbers (then making my own pickles) feels extremely country girl to me.
My Guinea Pigs Know My Voice
But something I have learned from our guinea pigs (I know, I am sensing all the eye-rolling from all of you who raise real animals instead of a Peruvian delicacies) – I have learned that most animals have the ability to learn their owner’s voice.
The person that cares for them, feeds them, loves them. They latch onto that voice and respond to it.
The people around Jesus during His life on earth probably could not even imagine someone keeping a guinea pig for a pet, but keeping herds of sheep was common.
A Relate-able Relationship
So Jesus uses the relationship between a shepherd and his sheep to paint a picture of how we should relate to Him.
He is the good shepherd. He protects us. He loves us. While we are lost, He came for us and saved us.
When we submit to His leadership, we hear His voice and learn it. We are His sheep and we know His voice.
Shepherd Versus Lamb
So, as I was reading and studying this passage, it was near Easter and there were lots of signs in front of churches which read, “It’s not about the bunny, it’s about the LAMB.”
Jesus is known as the Lamb of God. That’s true, but in this passage, He calls Himself the “Good Shepherd.”
Sheep are Just Sheep
I love that picture, because a Lamb is led to the slaughter. But the Shepherd. He is the leader, the owner, the ruler, the master. Sheep are just sheep. They are not worth the life of the Shepherd.
And yet.
Jesus, the good shepherd, willingly lays down His life to rescue the sheep.
“No One takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.” John 10:18 (ESV)
The Good Shepherd
A shepherd like that is beyond worthy of the devotion of the sheep. They snuggle up to Him, stay close, listen to His voice and follow His directives.
Often I want to hold on to what I perceive to be my authority, my ‘right’ness, my control, but when I realize who I am in relationship to Jesus. When I see that He loves me anyway. He loves me completely, even to laying down His authority and His very life…for me. I am humbled.
I am a grateful sheep following her shepherd. Bowing at the foot of the cross. Rejoicing at the empty tomb.
Action Step:
This world is loud. Let’s find a little time this week to get in a quiet place and listen for the voice of our Shepherd. Read a scripture (if you need an idea: maybe John 10 or Psalm 23?) and then ask God to reveal something to you. Or bring a concern to Him and ask for His opinion or advice.
Then it’s time for us to get quiet.
I know! It’s awkward at at first. You feel strange and want to start scheduling your to-do list in your head or thinking about something else. Anything else.
But if we can hang in there, we will start to hear the voice of our Shepherd. We will learn it and know it. The One who cares for us, protects us, and loves us beyond life itself.
Dear God, Thank you so much for our Good Shepherd! Thank you for still speaking to us today. Tune our ears to hear your voice and to know it well. Help us to get quiet this week and really listen to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
If you would like to view the other posts from the gospel of John, CLICK HERE.