Want a super quick and easy bible art journaling entry to get going in this fun and creative way to study the bible? If you have been feeling intimidated about getting started bible art journaling, this John 11 bible art journaling entry is for you!
This time, being a copycat is perfectly okay – in fact, if you need a boost of confidence to get started, it is exactly what I want you to do.
Step #1: Print out this free template.
Step #2: Cut out the line drawing for John 11.
Step #3: If you want to move the figure of Martha to the top of the word art, cut it out and tape it to the word art.
Step #4: Washi Tape the template behind the page for John 11.
The washi tape holds the page in place so the template does not shift while you are tracing the image and the word art, making it a quick and easy bible art journaling entry. I traced the image with a Faber Castell Pitt Pen like this one. However, if you are super worried that you will mess up, feel free to trace in pencil and then go over the light pencil lines with black pen. Now is the time to think about how you will accomplish step #5. Will you color in this quick and easy bible art journaling entry with watercolor, colored pencils, crayons, markers, etc…? If watercolor, you need to use a black pen that is not water reactive, like the India ink in a Faber Castell Pitt Pen. (Or, trace in pencil, watercolor, and then outline in black pen like I did before I had an India ink pen.)
Step #5: Color in the image
I used my Windsor and Newton Cotman Watercolor Field Set similar to this one. You can use watercolors (any brand will do) like me, or you can use colored pencils, crayons, gelatos, markers or any other coloring tools you want. When I first started, I used my kids’ art supplies. So swipe those colors from your children and get into God’s Word. 🙂 The best results happen when you use only 2-3 colors and repeat them. This creates a cohesive and finished look to the page.
Here is the full process video for the John 11 page:
If you haven’t checked out the John 11 Devotional (A Woman of Faith), click here to read it.
To grab the printables for all of the chapters in the book of John, click on the image below:
Creativity can help you enjoy God’s word and dig into the truth and revelation in it. Have fun diving in to the amazing word of God!
To catch up on any of the bible art journaling tutorials or devotionals from John 1-10, click here.