The Path to the Dark Side
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda
Whether or not Yoda was right, there is a fundamental truth that we see in John 12 and in this Star Wars quotation. There is a path to the dark side. It is illustrated in the life of the most famous betrayer of all time: Judas Iscariot.
Have you ever noticed that the bible says that Satan entered into Judas before he betrayed Jesus? John 13 tells of Jesus sitting at the last supper with his disciples. He tells them that one of them will betray Him. They ask who it is.
“Jesus answered, “It is he to whom I will give this morsel of bread when I have dipped it.” So when he had dipped the morsel he gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. Then after he had taken the morsel, Satan entered into him.” John 13:26-27 (ESV)
How is it that someone closely walking with Jesus, one of His chosen disciples, could be filled with Satan? How does that even happen?
Little by little
It happens a little bit at a time. Seemingly small choice by small action, our good intentions are eroded and we start down a path we never wanted in the beginning. One where regrets pile up around us, dragging us down even further.
The path to the dark side is not chosen in one epic moment. It is traveled one tiny step at a time, until we look around and realize that we are not where we intended to be at all.
Forsaking a life of devotion to God’s principles leads us down this dark path.
The Beginning
We don’t go from excited and on fire for God to betraying Jesus in one fell swoop.
Imagine how Judas must have felt when Jesus called him?
Jesus had many followers. They were excited by the miracles He performed and how His teaching seemed to come alive to them.
“”And when day came, he (Jesus) called his disciples and chose from them twelve, whom he named apostles: Simon, whom he named Peter and Andrew his brother, and James and John, and Philip, and Batholomew, and Alphaeus, and Simon who was called the Zealot, and Judas the son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor.” Luke 6:13-16 (ESV)
Jesus calls all of his followers together and chooses 12 special ones to be his inner circle. These are the guys he will pour his wisdom and knowledge into while he is on the earth. These are the chosen few who will share his earthly life: traveling, ministering, and living with him.
Judas must have been totally stoked. He was chosen. Called. Special.
He was even given a place of responsibility as the treasurer of the group. In control of the funds that they would live on. He must have felt honored and excited.
The Middle
Then a little at a time, Judas began to rationalize some poor choices on his part. Maybe he became discontented and wanted a little more comfort. So he takes a little from the money bag. No one will ever know. It’ll be his little secret. After all, they trust him, he is one of them. And, there is still enough to meet everyone’s needs. No harm done. Maybe he thought he could put it back later.
Nobody notices. He has gotten away with it. Maybe just a little more.
When we allow a ‘little’ sin, a little falling away, a little spiritual laziness, there we will allow a little more until we are in a place we never could have imagined. This is the path to the dark side.

The Crucial Moment
Even after becoming a thief. Even after all his bad choices. Sin after sin after sin. Judas had a chance to turn back and start back on the correct path.
That moment at the last supper, he had a choice. He could have refused the morsel and decided not to betray Jesus at that point. I have a feeling that if he had, Satan could not have entered into him.
You see, we have to open the door for Satan to have a chance to work in us and through us. Little steps down the path to the dark side swing wide open the door for the devil to come on in and make himself confortable in our lives.
How do we keep this from happening?
How do we stay on the path to righteousness and Christ-centered living, away from this dark path?
Consistent repentance and returning to a life of Devotion – coming to God (the bible, prayer, church) in humility even when it is uncomfortable and awkward.
Everyone makes poor choices, mistakes, intentional choices to do what feels good rather than what is right. Will we stay on that path or turn from it and readjust our feet to walk God’s path?
Just as forsaking a life of devotion to God’s principles leads down a dark path, clinging to a life of active devotion to Him keeps us from it.
Action Step:
Where are you today?
Are you right where you are supposed to be? Don’t get proud, keep vigilant to the small choices that could derail you. Stay in the Word, in prayer communicating with God, and in contact with other believers who help you stay strong.
Or, is this the wake-up call you needed as you started to slide down the path to the darkside? Maybe it is just a little thing that Holy Spirit is convicting you on right now. Maybe it is big. To God, all sin is sin. At any point on the path, we can turn to God for forgiveness and healing and He will meet us right where we are.
Dear God, search our hearts, like it says in the Psalms. Make us aware of anywhere we are straying from your path and bring us back. Help us to be consistent in our active devotion to you. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Click here to see the other posts in the series from the book of John!