Embrace Joy – John 15
We recently took a family trip to Disneyworld. We had a blast, but there was this one moment that brought me crashing down to earth. My ten-year-old daughter turns to me, completely cheerfully, and says,
“I wish we lived at Disneyworld. You are happier here. You aren’t too stressed or too busy to do stuff with me.”
Ouch! Talk about a wake-up call.
Frustrated. Angry. Tired. Discouraged. Overwhelmed. Way too busy.
When did I become all those things?
I used to smile more. To find joy in the everyday.
So, when I read John 15, verse 11 really jumped out at me.
“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” John 15:11 (ESV)
This is Jesus speaking. His intention for me is JOY.
JOY is His Goal
And in verse 14, we read,
“You are my friends if you do what I command you.” John 15:14 (ESV)
His commands for us are JOY.
JOY is His Command
Here are somethings I have learned this summer:
I determine my attitude.
If I will focus less on what I have on my to-do list, on what I want to do, and more on doing the best job I can loving my husband and kids, I will find more joy. Even in the daily grind.
You see, loving one another, preferring one another – these things leads to JOY!
I know this because the verses that happen in between John 15:11 and John 15:14 say this:
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:12-13 (ESV)
Jesus says His goal for us is joy. Then He tells us to love one another. Because one thing will bring about the other. Love one another. Joy comes.
Action Step:
My goal for the rest of this summer is to embrace the joy.
Not always easy. Three out of the four of us in my house are sick. I have an Epstein Barr virus that will last another 3-4 weeks. It would be easy to sink into my own problems and do what I want instead of focusing on loving my family.
Not always easy, but definitely worth it.
Will you join me in embracing the joy?
Dear God, help us to find the joy in serving and loving others. Bring your joy into our everyday lives. Enable us to look beyond our own desires and see what the ones around us need. Let our joy be in You and increase it exponentially. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Click here for more posts from the Gospel of John.