Simple Bible Art Journaling with Freebie – John 15
Sometimes you really need something super simple. I have been working on lettering this summer. I still don’t love my attempts at lettering, but I am having a lot of fun learning and getting better at it. To be real with you guys, I have been feeling terrible this summer. a 2 month virus is not my idea of a great summer vacation. All the things I wanted to get done before school started back up – they are still waiting to be done. In addition to that, we have had one thing after another pop up financially: medical bills, repairs, unforeseen expenses, etc. Frustrating and stressful. It has been really hard to embrace joy.
The Right Word at the Right Time
Isn’t it just like God to make just the right thing pop out from the page at me? Just when I am struggling finding my everyday joy, God makes that verse stand out in this chapter. It is so true that His Word is living and active. It jumps out to meet us right at our time of need. Sometimes while we are reading it. Sometimes when we hear a sermon on Sunday. Or read a devotional post or book. It is like the Holy Spirit is whispering, “This right here. This is just what you need.”
I didn’t need something complex in this moment. I didn’t need an intellectual revelation. I needed my joy back. And God saw exactly what I needed when I didn’t even realize it yet. If you haven’t checked out the devotional post for John 15, click here to see it.
Equally, I needed a simple bible art journaling entry since I haven’t been feeling so well…
Hand Lettering Simply
This summer, I have been playing around with hand lettering, and one thing I have learned is that it does not come naturally to me. Yikes! I do know that the more I play around with it, the more I like the results. The only real way to get good at it is to do it. A lot. Write, write, write, write. And then write some more.
If you don’t want to put in that kind of time right now, feel free to download this freebie tip-in:

Materials I used:
Simple Bible Art Instructions on How to Get Started:
- Most markers I have tried bleed through or, at the very least, create very strong shadowing. You can try out yours on a page in the back of your bible. I like to err on the side of page prepping. A layer of gesso or acrylic paint will help prevent these problems. Just prep the page. You’ll thank me later.
- Make sure your page prepping material is completely dry before writing on it with your pens/markers.
- While you are waiting around, find a spare piece of paper and write the word joy a bunch of times in as many styles as you want to attempt.
- Once the page prep is dry, go ahead and write joy over and over again to create a background.
- Then, that has to dry. You can let it air dry or use a heat tool. Either one works.
- Take a big black brush pen (or other black marker) and write a large “embrace joy” across the backdrop of joy.
- Let it dry completely before you close your bible.
- Sit back and enjoy all your not-so-hard work. Maybe sip a cup of tea. Take a breath and remember to smile. 🙂
Full Process Video:
You get to have some fun embracing joy in John 15 too! Ready, set, go…
Click here to view other posts from John, both devotional and bible art journaling.