The wrong clothes
Ever had an outfit that you just didn’t like? I have one like that. The other day I put it on because I hadn’t worn it in forever.
Immediately, I felt uncomfortable in my own skin, insecure about how I looked.
I just don’t like that outfit. At all.
I don’t know why I have kept it this long. Probably because I am cheap—frugal and can’t stand the idea of getting rid of practically new clothes that still fit me.
When I got home from my appointments that day in those unloved clothes, I couldn’t wait to get them off and put on something more comfortable.
Off with the old
Our old nature is like that. Once we are saved, those old habits and inclinations just don’t fit us anymore.
They are uncomfortable with guilt and shame. We don’t feel quite like ourselves in them. Even if it feels weird to get rid of them because they are normal to us or we spent money to facilitate them, we are so much better off if we strip off the old.
On with the new
Our new self is transformed by God as we live a Christ-centered way.
There are two main ways that we put on our new self:
1. Prayer
We simply ask God to help us. We ask Him to create a clean heart in us and renew our spirits.
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
2. Studying Scriptures
Getting God’s word into our minds and hearts, reading, studying, and memorizing scripture helps keep us from sin and live a new life in Christ.
I have stored up your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11
Make the switch
It is time to strip off the old nature (set aside our old, sinful practices) and put on the new nature (living a Christ-centered life).
Time for an outfit change of the heart and mind.
Action Step:
Our Focus today is REPENTANCE!
Repentance: not just being sorry for our sin, though that is a part of it. Also, turning away from it and choosing to do what is right instead.
Ask the Lord to create a clean heart in you today.
Choose one scripture (it could be one from this devotional post) to think about it throughout today. Put it in your phone with a reminder or in your calendar or on a post-it note taped somewhere where you will see it throughout the day.
Dear God, You are the only one who can help us make lasting change in our lives. Help us to strip off our old nature and put on the new. Bring Your word to our minds and renew us from the inside out. In Jesus’ name, amen.