Then I turned my face to the Lord God, seeking him by prayer and pleas for mercy with fasting and sackcloth and ashes. I prayed to the Lord my God and made confession, saying, “O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, we have sinned and done wrong and acted wickedly and rebelled, turning aside from your commandments and rules. Daniel 9:3-5

Lent Day 18 Daniel 9 devotional 40 Days to Fan Flame

When we don’t understand

Sometimes we see things in our lives or in the Bible that we don’t understand. In today’s reading, Daniel is in that place.

He has read a prophecy and he doesn’t quite see the full picture.

What does Daniel do?

Daniel turns to God. He prays and fasts and asks for the mercy of God. Wow! I wish my first reaction when I don’t understand or see how God is at work was to fast and pray.

Too often I look to solve my own problems. I ask the advice of friends. When we don’t understand, I google it. I bet you do too.

What did God do?

The response Daniel got was amazing! God sent Gabriel to talk to Daniel directly.

Gabriel explains the prophecy to Daniel and gives him direction.

Picture it! You start praying and fasting, asking for God’s mercy on behalf of your people. Then, the angel Gabriel shows up in your room to give you the skinny on what you don’t understand. Incredible!

What should we do?

When we don’t understand… When we need direction… We should follow the example of Daniel. Fast and pray.

Gabriel may or may not show up, but God will respond in some way. When we draw near to Him, He draws near to us.

During these times we fast and pray to hear God's direction. Daniel 9:3-5 Lent Bible art journaling

Action Step:

Our Focus today is FASTING!

Fasting: giving up or skipping something in favor of spending time with God. Traditionally, not eating, but can be a fast from social media, television, books, or certain types of food or drink.

Today, is there an area of your life that you don’t understand or need direction. Fast and pray for God’s mercy like Daniel did. Watch for the response God sends.


Dear God, Thank You that you respond to us when we fast and pray. When we don’t understand, You see the next steps. Help us to turn to You in our needm rather than trying to solve it ourselves. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Lent Word Art Printables

Lent Day 18 – Daniel 9:3-5