Hidden Sin
Ever had a thought come to you or a sentence pop out of your mouth and you wondered where it came from? What? Did that really come out of my mouth?
The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. Luke 6:45
“Out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks”
Sometimes things pop out of us that we didn’t see coming. There are corners of our hearts that hold strange and unnoticed attitudes, resentments, prejudices, and other sins; and we don’t know when they show up.
Hidden faults
We all have areas of our hearts that are hidden. Sometimes they are hidden so well that we don’t realize they are there. Hidden sins are tricky to deal with, because we are unaware of them.
How do we deal with hidden sins?
We need God’s help to deal with hidden sins. We need His Spirit to make us aware of them so they can be addressed.
But how can I ever know what sins are lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults. And keep me from deliberate wrongs; help me to stop doing them. Only then can I be free of guilt and innocent of some great crime. Psalm 19:12-13
Ask for prevention
“Keep me from deliberate wrongs.” We can ask God to help us avoid sin and for Him to reveal our hidden sins.
Action Step:
Our Focus today is REPENTANCE!
Repentance: not just being sorry for our sin, though that is a part of it. Also, turning away from it and choosing to do what is right instead.
Ask today for God to reveal the hidden sins in your heart. Ask Him to help you avoid messing up with deliberate sins. It is time to ask God to cleanse you of all sins, the hidden and the exposed.
Dear God, we want pure hearts before You. We desire to be holy and clean before You. Reveal the hidden sins in our hearts and help keep us from sinning. In Jesus’ name, amen.