Paul and Barnabas also appointed elders in every church and prayed for them with fasting, turning them over to the care of the Lord in whom they trusted. Acts 14:23

Lent Day 23 - Acts 14:23

Fasting for Leadership

I think that this is a really interesting time fasting is used in the Bible. Paul and Barnabas are going around to all the churches and establishing the leadership.

Paul and Barnabas also appointed elders in every church and prayed for them with fasting, turning them over to the care of the Lord in whom they trusted. Acts 14:23

The Appointing Process

They appoint elders and pray for them with fasting. Then, they put them in the Lord’s hands basically. They trust God with the leadership of the churches they have helped get started.

How would that feel?

I don’t know if any of you have experience starting a new church or even being on the staff of an established one, but to many pastors, it feels like that church is your baby.

Can I trust them with my baby?

Imagine how much you would want to micromanage the leadership you put in place to take care of your baby. It would be so hard to walk away and trust the leaders to do it right.

It is about trusting God.

However, Paul and Barnabas set an example here for us. They show that it is about trusting God, not necessarily the people in charge.

They pray and fast to seek the Lord about appointing the right elders and on behalf of the elders that they might do a good job.

Then, they trust God to lead and guide the elders He chose.

An important mission

The fasting added to the prayer adds the weight of importance to this installation of leadership in the church. It sets a tone of commitment to God and commitment to serving His people.

Fasting leads to commitment

I think when you fast about a decision, a new job/position, for your leadership, etc; you gain a new sense of how God is guiding the process of your life.

That fasting opens your eyes to what is important. It makes it easier to commit to finishing what God has chosen you to lead. Fasting leads to commitment.

Fasting leads to commitment Acts 14 Bible art journaling

Action Step:

Our Focus today is FASTING!

Fasting: giving up or skipping something in favor of spending time with God. Traditionally, not eating, but can be a fast from social media, television, books, or certain types of food or drink.

Choose a time to fast something today and instead of eating or doing that thing, pray for the leaders in your life. Perhaps the pastors on staff at your church, your boss, your children’s teachers and principals, government leaders, etc.

Pray for God’s help to trust Him and reminders to pray regularly for the leaders He has put in your life.


Dear God, We trust You. We may not always trust people, but we choose to trust You. Help our leaders to make wise decisions. Lead and guide them. Put the right people into the positions of leadership in our lives. Grow our own commitment to You through fasting. Remind us to pray for those in leadership positions. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Lent Day 23 – Acts 14:23