I sat down and wept
Last week, I had one of those moments where I heard what I thought was bad news and I just fell apart. Tears flooded down my cheeks. I couldn’t stop crying. I was so upset.
You see, we have been looking at houses (trying to move) for over a year. And, for several years before we started looking, I have wanted to move.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12 (ESV)
Unstoppable tears
I thought we had found it. Our real estate agent wrote up the contract, and we were supposed to sign first thing in the morning and send it back to her.
My husband woke up and said that he did not have peace about signing the contract. I was sick in the body (strep) and sick at heart (disappointment at still not moving). I just couldn’t control my reaction – unstoppable tears.
Something’s different this time
However, unlike other times when I have felt like this, I didn’t just wallow and feel sorry for myself. I took all that disappointment to the feet of Jesus. As I wore my sunglasses into work to hide the tears, I got my stuff ready to teach for the day while crying and praying.
Pouring out the emotion to God
I poured out all that emotion to God in prayer. I don’t think this would have been my reaction if I hadn’t been doing this daily Lent study. With daily time in the Word and prayer, I am primed to turn to Him when I might not have otherwise.
It felt like trouble was surrounding me, disappointment was overwhelming. But, as I prayed, I felt peace settle on me and around me. I told God, “I know you have the right dwelling place for us. I need your help to see it and to know when we find it.”
Guess what happened?
That very afternoon, my mother-in-law called my husband in excitement. “Did you see this house? It just came on the market!”
An hour later we were walking through a gorgeous house with our real estate agent. It checks every box of what we need. And what we want. And it is on a lake. It is even in our price range!
Everyone was in agreement and excited. We put an offer on it and it was accepted without even any counteroffers.
Breakthrough is around the corner
Sometimes when trouble surrounds and it feels like the world is falling apart… When you feel your emotions getting the best of you… That is when breakthrough is around the corner. Especially if we choose to take our disappointment and heartbreak to the only One who can bring the breakthrough.
Fasting and prayer
When I heard this, I sat down and wept. In fact, for days I mourned, fasted, and prayed to the God of heaven. Nehemiah 1:4
Sometimes the breakthrough takes a little longer and part of pouring that emotion out is to add fasting to your prayer like Nehemiah. Saying no to your desires and yes to God can bring so much more joy in the end.
I desired the first house, but the one God had in mind is so much better! Let’s learn to trust God with the desires of our hearts. He has blessing in mind for us that we don’t even see coming.
Action Step:
Our Focus today is FASTING!
Fasting: giving up or skipping something in favor of spending time with God. Traditionally, not eating, but can be a fast from social media, television, books, or certain types of food or drink.
What emotions are getting the better of you today? Do you have disappointments or hopes that are deferred and are making your heart sick? Bring them to the One who can bring the breakthrough.
Choose something to fast today and ask God to replace your desires with His. His are so much better.
Dear God, Help me to want Your desires more than my own. When my emotions are overwhelming me, remind me to turn to You. Thank You that Your plans form me are better than my own. In Jesus’ name, amen.