Don’t give up!
Lately, I have been running up against some obstacles that really challenge my ability to keep praying through rather than giving up. It is so tempting when you feel like giving up to just relax and stop praying about something. To let things take their course without fighting for what is important.
When you feel like giving up
I get tired when I am facing a closed door that won’t seem to open. Don’t you? When you feel like giving up, it’s time to remember Colossians 4:2
Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2
Traps to avoid
During these times of closed doors and a seemingly silent heaven, it is easy to fall into a couple of traps.
1. Quitting: when you feel like giving up, you might just give up. It is easy to say “Que sera, sera – whatever will be, will be”.
2. An ungrateful attitude: another trap that is easy to fall into when you are stuck at a closed door is to start resenting the situation. It is easy to feel like there is nothing to be thankful for.
Continue on
Colossians reminds us to avoid these traps. We are to continue steadfastly in prayer. Keep on fighting the good fight in prayer. Continue on! Then, we are told to be watchful in thankgiving.
Open doors
As we continue in prayer without giving up and watch for the door to crack while still being thankful for all God has already done, that is when the doors fling open to the blessings that God has for you.
When you feel like giving up, DON’T do it! Continue in prayer! Find something, anything, to thank God for! Watch as that closed door in front of you swings open wide…
Action Step:
Our Focus today is PRAYER!
Prayer: communicating with God, a back and forth (talking AND listening)
Let’s practice today. What is that thing that is discouraging you and making you feel like giving up? Pray about it today and thank God for as much as you can think of! Continue steadfastly in prayer and give thanks!
Dear God, thank You for helping us to continue on when we feel like giving up. Help us to avoid the traps of quitting and becoming ungrateful. Open the doors to your blessings. In Jesus, name, amen.