but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. Proverbs 28:13
Eating away from the inside
Ever had a secret that was eating at you? Something you never wanted known by anyone but couldn’t stop thinking about?
That’s how sin is. Except worse. Because sin eats away at your future in eternity as well as your present.
Confession is good for the soul
Confessing our sins to God is good for us. It doesn’t just make us feel better by telling someone like when someone visits a psychiatrist or has coffee with a good friend.
God actually eradicates our sin when He forgives us. He gives us His righteousness in exchange for our inadequacy.
Hiding hurts us
Hiding our sin hurts us.
Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper,
but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. Proverbs 28:13
If we conceal our sin, we no longer prosper. Hidden sin festers inside us and stunts our growth and prosperity.
Confess and forsake
Repentance is to confess and forsake. First, we admit our sin to God and ask for forgiveness. Then, we turn away from the sin and stop doing it. Confess AND forsake.
Today is a day to focus on repentance. Mercy will follow.
Action Step:
Our Focus today is REPENTANCE!
Repentance: not just being sorry for our sin, though that is a part of it. Also, turning away from it and choosing to do what is right instead.
Is there anything that you still have hidden away inside? Let go of the sin that is holding you back today. Confess and forsake for the mercy of God to flood your soul and set you free.
Dear God, open our eyes to any hidden sin in our lives. Strengthen us and help us to confess and forsake our sin. Let your mercy flood our souls. In Jesus’ name, amen.