“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” –Jesus (John 16:33)
Persevere In Peace (John 16:33)
So many people are uncertain about the stability of their jobs, health, and homes right now. Uncertain, not sure, unable to see the what will happen next.
God is not one of them.
God is not Uncertain
God is not uncertain about what will happen next. In our lives, homes, finances, families, employment, health – He is not wondering what will happen like he is binge-watching a Netflix series.
I know the One who Knows
Guess what? I don’t know what is next. But, I know the One who does!
When you are uncertain about what will happen with your finances, draw close to the One who knows!
When you don’t know about your next job, seek after the Source of all our provision.
When you are feeling worried or anxious about sickness going around, kneel at the feet of the Healer.
When there is strife in your relationships and you can’t tell what will happen, turn your heart to your Heavenly Father and seek His counsel.
When the path is not clear and you can’t see your way, trust in the One who knows what lies ahead.
When we use our uncertainty to launch us into the arms of God, we are surrounded by His supernatural peace.
Surrounded by Peace
Jesus told His disciples that He spoke what He spoke to them so that they would have peace. In this world, we will experience problems (struggles, sickness, tribulations), but we can take courage because Jesus has already overcome the world. He already has dominion and authority.
When we submit to His authority, we have His peace.
“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” –Jesus (John 16:33)

Persevere in Peace
Sometimes it is not easy to stay peaceful in uncertain times. However, we must persevere in peace by coming back again and again to the Source of all peace.
This is not a passive peace, but one full of the action of trusting in God and His wisdom. The wisdom of God is not the wisdom of the world. The world is not at peace during adversity. It is not logical to the world to be full of peace when in the middle of uncertainty.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9
But we know the God who created and sustains the whole universe. He knew me from before I was even born and knows the path of my life. It is perfectly logical for the Christian to persevere in peace, in God’s supernatural peace, because we can trust God.
Action Step:
What areas are causing you stress and worry and anxiety? Take some time today to submit those areas to God and ask for His help. Acknowledge His authority and rest in His peace. Then have a little (or big!) praise party thanking God that He knows what is next even though you may not yet. Ask for Him to lead and guide. Ask for supernatural peace to fill and surround you today.
Then keep coming back to that peace when those anxious thoughts pop into your mind. Persevere in peace.
Dear God, Help us to return again to Your peace. Help us to persevere in active trusting in You when we can’t see the way in front of us. When we don’t see what is next, guide our steps and help us to rely on you and stay in Your peace. In Jesus’ name, amen.