“Praise the Lord from the earth,
you great sea creatures and all ocean depths” Psalm 148:7
Be a Narwhal
I have a niece who loves narwhals. Every time I see a picture of a narwhal or a narwhal on a toy or shirt, I think of her. She is very enthusiastic about all things narwhal. [gross understatement]
I don’t know a ton about these bizarre creatures, but I have learned a little about them. So, when I read Psalm 148, I thought about narwhals.
Narwhals and Isolation
You see, so many of us have been staying mostly at home during this pandemic. We have been isolated from other people with whom we would normally spend time. We have cancelled travel. Increased snacking.
Some of us may feel like we are gaining weight like a whale, but narwhals (also called narwhales) are actually a part of the whale family.
However, while most whales migrate regularly, narwhals stay in the Artic ocean for their whole lives. They shelter in place among the cold and ice of the Arctic. Yet they keep on swimming and living.
Created to Bring Glory to the Creator
In the midst, of the cold and the ice and the isolation, they live the life they were created to live.
A life that brings glory to their Creator.
“Praise the Lord from the earth,
you great sea creatures and all ocean depths” Psalm 148:7

“Don’t get your nose out of joint!”
When I was a little girl in Southeast Texas and I would get upset about something small, my mama used to say, “Don’t get your nose out of joint!” That’s southern for “Don’t have a bad attitude about this!” for all of you uninitiated Northerners.
Now, many of us have our noses out of joint because we are stuck at home, having to do schoolwork with our kids online, we wish things were different, we wish we could return to life as usual, etc.
We could learn a lot from a narwhal. Their tusks are not technically noses, but it sure looks like one. It is actually a tooth that has grown right through the skin of the upper lip. (Ouch!) And it can grow up to ten feet long! Do you know that that nose-like tusk will bend up to a foot before it breaks?
Flexible Tusks and Attitudes
We need the flexibility of a narwhal nose during this crazy corona time. Bend rather than breaking under the pressure. Live a life that brings glory to our Creator.
Praise Him in the midst of the ocean, when we feel stuck in the ice, covered by the waves, or when our noses are just getting out of joint.
“Praise the Lord from the earth,
you great sea creatures and all ocean depths” Psalm 148:7
Be a Narwal
Called the “Unicorn of the Sea”, the narwhal is generally regarded as an unusual, almost magical animal. Someone who keeps their cool, doesn’t get a bad attitude, and lives a life that brings glory to their Creator during current times might be considered a “Unicorn of Covid-19.” Let’s be narwhals this week!
Action Step:
Let’s take stock today of the state of our attitudes and how we are living today. Are we bringing glory to our Creator or have we been sinking further and further into a self-centered sea, even more isolated than shelter in place?
Today is a day to realign our attitudes and intentions during this crazy season of life.
Let’s call on God to help us be a narwhal in spirit right now!
Dear God, help us to live lives that bring glory to You during these strange and stressful times. Help us to take charge of our attitudes and bring into submission to You. Help us to draw others to Your light and help through the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, amen.