Joyful in Hope – HOPE Challenge Day 10
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12
When I hope for something, I don’t have it yet. During the in between time, when I don’t yet have the fulfillment of my hopes, my attitude can swing from an Eeyore state to a faith-high that would make Billy Graham proud. The thing is, according to the Bible, I don’t get to choose to act and treat others however I want when I am suffering unfulfilled hopes.
I am charged to be joyful in hope. Take back the joy that faded away when I did not receive an immediate answer to my prayer. Choose joy in the middle of the journey. Sometimes this is difficult to do, but it is worth it.

Joyful in Affliction
While we are joyful, we are to be patient, even in suffering or affliction. During the bad times of life, we are still to be joyful and patient. This is possible because our hope is in God, the omnipotent Creator of everything.
One thing that enables us to stay joyful and patient is staying connected to the Father. Stay faithful in prayer. When we are disappointed or mistreated or simply in a bad time, it can be tempting to pull into ourselves and stop praying consistently. However, this passage reminds us to stay faithful in prayer right in the middle of the affliction.

HOPE Challenge Day 10 Action Step:
Today, choose joy! If you don’t quite feel it yet, make the conscious choice to smile. Pray for help to be joyful. Turn on some upbeat Christian music and dance a little. Sing a worship song. We all have to start somewhere. 🙂
HOPE Challenge Day 10 Prayer:
Dear God, Sometimes I don’t feel like being joyful, but I know that it is for my best. Help me to be joyful and patient right now. I want to stay faithful in prayer and close to You. Pull me back if I start to drift away. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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