December 11 – Mary’s Heart
But Mary was treasuring up all these things in her heart and meditating on them. Luke 2:19
Mary’s Heart (Luke 2:19)
I actually have always loved this particular verse. All my life, my father has read the Christmas story from the second chapter of Luke on Christmas morning. Before we could open any cards, gifts, or stockings, we focused on the true meaning of Christmas – the Christ child.
One year, during this tradition, this verse popped out at me. Ever since then, it has had a special place in my heart. When my children were born, it became even more important to me.
Mundane or Memorable?
It seems a little strange that the Bible even records the thought that Mary was “treasuring up all these things in her heart and meditating on them.” It is not an event, like the angels appearing to the shepherds or Caesar calling for a census.
It is internal and small. Addresses feelings rather than facts. And there were tons of things going on all around Mary. Her life had been flipped upside down even more than most first-time moms (and we all feel like our worlds are turned inside out when we first become a mother!).
Expectantly waiting for the Promised One
After an exhausting journey and labor, she finally gives birth to her baby. However, Mary had not just been waiting for this Baby for nine months. Her whole life, she had heard her family and friends teaching her about the One that God had promised. The One Who would come to save God’s people. The Messiah.
After expectantly waiting for the Promised One all those years, she learns from an angel that she has been chosen to give birth to that Messiah. She goes through nine months of pregnancy, disruption to her life, gives birth to Jesus, and then it gets even crazier.
Miracles piles on miracle
Imagine Joseph and Mary’s amazement when a group of shepherds show up in their makeshift delivery room to see the Baby Jesus in the manger. It’s not like they had sent out birth announcements. Suddenly, they have surprise visitors who know all about the miraculous events.
Meditate on your works
It had to be overwhelming – all the hormones and emotions, the surprises and miracles.
But Mary was treasuring up all these things in her heart and meditating on them. Luke 2:19
Instead of talking and talking about it all, Mary chooses to reflect. She makes a conscious choice to treasure the thought of everything God has done and meditate on all His works in her life.
I remember the days of old;
I meditate on all you have done;
I reflect on the work of your hands. Psalm 143:5
December 11 Devotional Action Step:
How do we react to the works of God in our lives? The miraculous, the messy, the joy-filled, the inconvenient works of God. Do we talk so much to others that we can’t hear the Holy Spirit speaking to us about it? Or, like Mary, do we treasure up the works of God in our hearts and meditate on what He is doing in us?
Today, let’s take a page from Mary’s book and reflect on the crazy events swirling around in our lives. We can ask the Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts and help us see what God is doing in the chaos around us.
Dear God, I know that Your ways are higher than my ways, Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts. Help me to see your purposes at work in my life. Remind me to meditate on all You have done. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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