Best Online Tools for Bible Study – Romans 12:1-2
Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship. Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. Romans 12:1-2
A Living Sacrifice
Our lives do not belong to us. They are for a higher purpose. We were made for this moment in history and God has a plan for us.
Don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 20 for you were bought at a price. So glorify God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we were to absolutely fulfill the plan of God for our lives and not waste the minutes and hours, the days and years He has given us?
The Importance of Daily Time with God
In the last post (Living an Intentional Life), I told you of my experiences last year. I related how implementing a schedule in my life totally transformed it. And, how God worked through my daughter to make it happen.
Now, I want to make sure you know that the most important component of that schedule is consistent, daily time with God in reading the Bible and prayer.
There’s an app for that!
The cool thing is that I have discovered some very useful tools online that have made Bible study, prayer, devotions, even connecting with other believers, much easier.
I wanted to share them with you in the hopes of making it easier for you to keep a commitment to consistent daily time with God. I use these apps and/or websites regularly in my own devotional and Bible study times.
Best Online Bible Study Tools
#1 YouVersion Bible app
I use the YouVersion Bible app all the time. It has 2,062 versions of the Bible and 1,372 languages. The YouVersion Bible app has no ads and is completely free.
In the Bible portion of the app, you can download specific versions of the Bible if you want to read when offline. You can also highlight, take notes, and share insights with “friends”.
Social Networking and Connection
Speaking of friends, the YouVersion Bible app can be social in nature if you wish. You can find people you know and “friend” them. You can invite others to join you in reading one of the many devotional plans they have in the app.
Devotional Reading Plans
Varying in length from three days to a full year, YouVersion devotional plans are written by a wide range of people and include a short devotional and scripture passage. If you have invited friends to join you and they accepted, there is also a place at the end of each day where you can communicate with your “friends”.
You can also make any plan visible to your friends if you want some accountability without doing the same plan at the same time.
Especially during this year with lockdowns and so much time alone, it has been really fun for me to share devotional plans with my family that lives far away.
Earn Badges
Also, for those like me who like earning gold stars, the YouVersion Bible app tracks how many consecutive days you read your Bible and offers reward badges for accomplishing goals. Fun and interactive!
#2 www.biblegateway.com
When I am researching for writing blog posts and devotionals, I use www.biblegateway.com for looking up scriptures.
With a free personal account, you can take and save notes as you read one of the many different versions of the Bible or devotional plans on this site.
You can search by reference, keyword, or topic to find a desired passage.
It has an extremely easy interface with virtually no learning curve. So easy to access scripture online.
#3 www.biblestudytools.com
Deeper Bible study leads me to the website www.biblestudytools.com for more information on a verse or passage.
Though the interface is less intuitive than biblegateway.com, this website has valuable tools that come in very handy in word studies and historical context.
Lexicons, dictionaries, concordances (including Strong’s), commentaries, encyclopedias and more are available for study. Devotionals, famous sermons, Sunday School lessons, articles, and more are also logged on the site for inspiration and study.
These are the three online tools for Bible study that I use on a regular basis. I know that there are many, many more websites and apps for Bible study and devotionals available. If you have one (or more) that you just love, please share them in the comments. I would love to learn about them.
I only share these because I have personal experience using them and genuinely like them (and they are all free!). I do not work for any of them or have some type affiliate/advertising arrangement with any of them.
Renew Your Mind
Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship. Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. Romans 12:1-2
A daily practice of spending time with God through reading His Word and praying renews the mind and transforms a life. We can see the will of God in our lives when we present ourselves consistently, routinely, as living sacrifices. In this way, we make Christ the center of our lives – we become Devotion in Action.
Action Step:
If you don’t already have a regular routine of reading the Bible daily, check out the online tools for Bible study that I mentioned above. Or, if you wish, check out some of the devotional series here on Devotion in Action.
In the menu at the top of the page, there is a tab called “Devotional Series”, from which you can choose:
-Devotionals by Books of the Bible
-Devotional by Themes
-Overcomers in October Series
-Keep Your Heart Series
-Gratitude Documented 2017
-Miscellaneous Devotionals that are not part of a series.
Make a plan and keep at it. God will honor your commitment to Him.
Dear God, I want to spend time with You, and I know You want to spend time with me. Help me to be consistent each and everyday. If I miss a day, draw me back to regular, routine, renewing communication with You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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