“Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong. Do everything in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
WATCH – 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
During our beach vacation, we decided to give snorkeling a try. We stayed on the coast of Florida in an area with a ton of oceanic wildlife – flora and fauna. We were so excited leading up to the trip that we joined Facebook groups about the specific place where we were headed. We started seeing pics of people in the water with hammerhead sharks – what?!?!
The Perfect Storm
To top it off, we were there during Discovery Channel’s shark week, which we watch as a family every year. Talk about perfect timing! A beach trip during SHARK WEEK! I can hear the Jaws theme now – duunnn-dunnn…duunnn-dunnn…duuuuuuunnnnnnnn-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-duuuuuuunnnnnnnn-dunnn…
Beauty and Risk
Sharks are fascinating creatures, but there is no doubting that they can also be dangerous. When swimming in an area where there is the possibility of sharks, you have to be very alert – always watching for danger in the midst of a fun, beautiful, and exciting vacation experience. This is paralleled in our lives here on earth.
The Design of God and the Desires of Satan
God has designed a fun, beautiful, and exciting life doing what He has called us to do. However, Satan is on the prowl, trying to disrupt the abundant life God has planned for us. We have to be alert, not fearful, but very aware of the traps that the devil is lurking in the shadows of the deep water and the shallows with evil plans.

Imminent Attack
One of the most common ways that Satan tries to sneak up on us and attack is through our thought lives. Many, many thoughts pop into our heads every hour. Most people seem to think that all of these thoughts are valid. They embrace these thoughts and spend time rolling them over in their minds. However, not all thoughts are God-honoring thoughts.
Thought Traps
Some of those thoughts are traps from the devil. Lies that we accept at face value. They distort our view of ourselves and of God’s plans for us. When these thoughts enter our minds…thoughts like “I’m a failure”, “I sinned too much”, “I could never”, “My misery is their fault”, “It’s impossible”, “If only I had what they have, I would be happy” – they distract us from the mission of our Creator. We are ensnared in bitterness, jealousy, regret, self-loathing, doubt, etc.
Keep Watch
“Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong. Do everything in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
However, if we keep watch on the waters of our minds. If we expel the thoughts that are not of God, replacing them with scripture and truth, we can avoid the dangers designed by the devil. We can embrace the beauty of this life and the joy of eternity with the Savior without fear. We can live a life of love, strength, courage, and faith.

Action Step:
Let’s pray today and ask God to help us root out the lies we have believed. Let’s remind ourselves everyday to watch and stay alert to our thought lives.
Today, let’s delight ourselves in the good things of God and give thanks to Him!
Dear God, thank You for the beautiful life of obedience that You have called us to. Help us to recognize the dangerous traps of Satan sent to ensnare us and reject them right away. Remind us to stay vigilant and grateful at the same time. Thank You, God, for all You have done for us! In Jesus’ name, amen.
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