Merry Christmas! (Wreath)
For God’s will was for us to be made holy by the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all time. Hebrews 10:10 (NLT)
Merry Christmas – Hebrews 10:10
From my family to yours, I truly wish you a very merry Christmas! I hope that you spend the day surrounded by those you love. I hope your Christmas is filled with laughter and peace, the love of Jesus at the center of the gifts and games and meals and desserts.
Not so jolly
However, I know that scenario is not the case for some of you. Some of you will be separated from the ones you love and feeling alone. Some of you will have lost someone this year and will be feeling sad. Some of you have family relationships that are strained and causing you stress. Some will be anxious about the lack of money or abundance of bills. Some will be stressed about the future or overwhelmed by all that is expected of them.
Whatever you are feeling this Christmas
Whatever you are feeling this Christmas, there is still reason to find solace in the arms of God today. To find peace in His presence. To find joy in sorrow.
For God’s will was for us to be made holy by the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all time. Hebrews 10:10 (NLT)
For all time
Because God’s will was for us to reconciled to Him, He sent His Son Jesus. Jesus’ sacrifice was for all time. All those who believe -past and present are clothed in the righteousness of Jesus. Our sins eradicated as we are lavished with forgiveness we did not earn.
Christmas is the day that holds all time together. —Alexander Smith
The Bible art journaling printable I chose to create for today’s post is a wreath with word art of the quote above. I think a wreath is an awesome symbol for Christmas. It’s circular shape represents eternity – all past a present held together by the moment of Christ’s sacrifice. The evergreens used in many of them are a sign of everlasting life through Jesus. The red holly berries remind of the blood that was shed on the cross for us. Seeds and pinecones show new birth like when we are born again.
Even when we don’t feel merry, Christmas is a time of true joy. Joy that runs deeps even when we are hurting or sad. That when we feel alone, God is with us. When we have lost someone, God’s comfort is ours. When our family doesn’t understand us, we are loved and understood by the Father. When we are anxious or stressed, He will be our peace. When we are overwhelmed, God is our help.
Action Step:
Today as you draw a wreath or look at one hanging in your home, let it remind you that Jesus was the sacrifice for all time. Past and present. For you and me.
Ask God for the joy, peace, comfort, help, communion you are craving. He is listening and hears every word. You are not alone.
Dear God, be with each one of us today. In the merriment and the despair, be with us. Help us to embrace You today above all else. In Jesus’ name, amen.