The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad; the desert shall rejoice and blossom like the crocus; it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice with joy and singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it, the majesty of Carmel and Sharon. They shall see the glory of the Lord, the majesty of our God. Isaiah 35:1-2
Crocuses in the Desert
Today is Ash Wednesday – the start of Lent. By the way, if you are completely unfamiliar with Lent, click here for an explanation of this liturgical season.
Lent is often observed as a time of mourning, but the season is supposed to observe more than just mourning our sins and repenting. It is also meant to be a time of prayer (connecting with God, fasting (simplifying our lives to allow more time to connect with God), and giving to others (helping to connect others to the goodness of God). It is a beautiful time.
40 Days in the Desert
The 40 days of Lent are related to the 40 days that Jesus was tempted in the desert. A time of fasting and temptation, where we intentionally choose the Word of God and the company of God above all else. When we make that choice, God does something beautiful in our lives.
Lent is not just a time in the desert, but a season where we diminish and the Creator God increases in our lives.
The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad; the desert shall rejoice and blossom like the crocus; it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice with joy and singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it, the majesty of Carmel and Sharon. They shall see the glory of the Lord, the majesty of our God. Isaiah 35:1-2
Blossoms of Joy
In the midst of this wilderness, this desert, God can make the dry land glad. Our tears of repentance can bring forth blossoms of joy. As we embark on this journey of Lent, we are going to celebrate the beauty that God brings from this season through watercolor florals in our Bibles or journals. I hope you will join me. As we make time to create in the Word and connect with our God, He brings forth something beautiful in us.
Crocuses, the flowers mentioned in this Bible verse, are small flowers that spring up in the desert. Saffron is harvested from a certain type of crocus. It is used in a multitude of ways: seasoning, maintaining health, dyeing fabrics, and even producing medicines. The most expensive spice in the world, saffron is highly desired for its ability to bring beauty, taste, and healing to our lives. From the desert of life, God brings forth results not just for their beauty but also for our good.
For our Good
When we move through the desert seasons of life, let’s realize that our tears are watering the ground to bring forth beauty and help for our lives if we will turn to our Creator God. He promises that we will see the glory of God and behold His majesty. Then, we will rejoice with joy and singing.
Blossoming joy in the desert of life. Crocuses in the desert.

Action Step:
You might already be in a desert season in your life. It is okay to mourn. It is good to repent. Our tears are precious to God. If we bring them to Him, He can transform our sorrow into beauty. Our sadness into joy. He will reveal Himself to us as we seek after Him.
If Lent feels like a desert stretching out in front of you, realize that Lent is a also a beautiful season with crocuses blossoming in the midst of our repentance and mourning. In this season, God can bring us what we need for healing, beauty, rejuvenating our lives, seasoning us, and bringing disciplines that can help us maintain a healthy spiritual life connected to Him.
Embrace the beauty of life that can come when we look inside and choose to repent and turn from the sin that is present in our lives. When we come with humble hearts, God will forgive us and purify us.
Dear God, thank You that You bring beauty in the desert. As we create in Your presence, help us to connect with You. Transform our lives during this season to bring us closer to you. Forgive me of the sin that I have let linger in my life. Purify my heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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Thank you. When will the other lessons follow
Week 2 comes out tomorrow and then each week on Wednesday!