“Let the brother of humble circumstances boast in his exaltation, 10 but let the rich boast in his humiliation because he will pass away like a flower of the field. 11 For the sun rises and, together with the scorching wind, dries up the grass; its flower falls off, and its beautiful appearance perishes. In the same way, the rich person will wither away while pursuing his activities.
12 Blessed is the one who endures trials, because when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” James 1:9-12
Lessons from Wildflowers (James 1:9-12) – Lent #3
This week’s watercolor floral is a snapshot of a field of wildflowers. Some people may look at wildflowers and see weeds, missing the beauty of these naturally growing flowers. However, let’s consider the traits that are shared by wildflowers…
1. Wildflowers are not genetically manipulated. They grow and bloom as God created them to without human interference.
2. They are very colorful and bright, drawing pollinators which help them to grow, spread, and flourish.
3. Wildflowers are found growing natively in most biomes of the world: meadows, forests, swamps, and even deserts.
4. They are hardy survivors, enduring through drought, flood, extreme temperatures.
We can learn so much from wildflowers!
No Genetic Modifications
1. Do we have any people pleasers in the room? At different times in my life, I have really battled with a desire to have the approval of others. I change the way I talk or look or keep from trying something new just because someone else might not like it. God is a brilliant Creator – and He created me. I must learn to be the person God created me to be. To grow as He directs and blossom to please Him rather than the people around me. This does not mean that I have license to sin or resist growth or change. Life requires growth and change. God designed me to grow and change, but according to His design – not the snippy remarks of others or their beautiful pics on Instagram. God, help me not to be manipulated and twisted by others but to follow Your leading in my life.
Confident and Full of Joy
2. When we are confident in who God designed us to be, we don’t have to all be the same. The beauty is in the diversity of personality, preference, color, and shape. How gorgeous is a field full of the bright colors and shapes of wildflowers living together and flourishing! Those beautiful bright flowers attract pollinators like bees and butterflies to help the wildflowers reproduce, grow, and spread. In the same way, when we live confidently as the joy-filled people that God created us to be, others are drawn to the Spirit of God in us. The gospel is spread and shared. The kingdom of God grows and flourishes as we live together in unity even though we are diverse in appearance, preferences, and personalities. Unity and diversity!
Bloom Where You are Planted
3. We should grow and bloom wherever God has planted us instead of looking at the field over there and wishing we had been placed in that situation.
“Let the brother of humble circumstances boast in his exaltation, 10 but let the rich boast in his humiliation because he will pass away like a flower of the field.” James 1:9-10
Whether we are rich or poor, God has positioned you and me exactly where He wants us to thrive and affect the world around us for the kingdom of God. Especially with the prevalence of social media in our world, it is easy to fall into the trap of wishing we lived in a different place, around different people, had a different job – wishing, wishing, wishing our lives away. Instead, we need to purpose to do all things for God’s glory.
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24
Survive and Thrive
4. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are survivors and victors rather than victims. Difficult circumstances happen in this fallen world. Like these verses in James talk about, the harshness of the world can cause us to shrivel up and feel like all beauty in life is gone. We experience loss, sickness, troubles, betrayals, cruelty, and more. However, like the wildflower, we come back again each year. With God’s help, we can endure trials and even be victorious as we allow the difficult times to drive us into deeper relationship with our Creator.
“Blessed is the one who endures trials, because when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12
Action Step:
Think about this today: Every cultivated garden flower is a derivative of a wildflower. All the flowers came from wildflowers. Wildflowers still come back year after year. They don’t look at the flowers in the garden and wish they could be cultivated. They don’t cower and give up after the storms of life. They stand tall as the beautiful creation of a loving Creator. They live in harmony with those around them and use their differences to draw others to them.
This week, let’s decide to be a little more like wildflowers! You may be enduring a storm or a drought right now. It can be hard, but you can survive and be victorious if you draw your strength from God each day.
Dear God, Thank you for natural elements that illustrate spiritual concepts. Thank for the beauty of the wildflower that shows us that being different and surviving hardship can be beautiful. Open our ears to hear what You want to say to us and help us to listen to Your voice above all others. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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