Cedar trees, olive trees, flowers (March 23)
I will be like the dew to Israel;
he will blossom like the lily
and take root like the cedars of Lebanon.
His new branches will spread,
and his splendor will be like the olive tree,
his fragrance, like the forest of Lebanon. Hosea 14:5-6
Take Root (Hosea 14:5-6) – Lent #4
Lent is a time of repentance. If you are not familiar with that word, it means to turn from our sins, acknowledge that we have done wrong, and ask God for forgiveness. This season leading to Easter reminds us of the price that Jesus paid on the cross for our sin. We are drawn to repentance and holiness.
What will God do when we repent?
However, what does God do when we repent of our sin and turn to Him? Chapter 14 in Hosea is a call to repentance and a description of what God will do when His people repent.
“Return, O Israel, to the Lord your God, for you have stumbled because of your iniquity.” Hosea 14:1
In verse four, God starts telling what He will do when His people obey:
“I will heal their apostasy; I will love them freely, for my anger has turned from them.” Hosea 14:4
He will love them freely. I love that line. God loves us freely. Without holding back. His love is all-encompassing and overwhelming.
What does that love look like?
“I will be like the dew to Israel;
he will blossom like the lily
and take root like the cedars of Lebanon.
His new branches will spread,
and his splendor will be like the olive tree,
his fragrance, like the forest of Lebanon.” Hosea 14:5-6
Picture these beautiful, shady trees. When we turn to God in repentance, He transforms us into people who take root and grow, who blossom and thrive. We become an instrument to bless others, like the trees bless with shade, protection, fruit, fragrance.
It is really cool that these verses mention specifically cedar and olive trees, because these trees illustrate some truths about God.
The Cedar Tree
The cedar tree can survive over 300 years in the wild. Very long-lived and hardy, these trees are survivors. When we repent and turn to Him, God gives us eternity in return. While on earth, He enables us to be hardy survivors through the power of His Holy Spirit. The cedar tree also repels insects. Satan will try to pester us, but as we become more and more Christ-like, we also repel the devil and his tactics more.
The Olive Tree
Olive trees live even longer than cedar trees, over 1,000 years in some cases. Wow! They bear fruit from generation to generation. As we choose repentance, we influence future generations to do so too. Our children and their children can bear fruit from our decisions. Did you know that the olive branch is a symbol of peace, victory, and blessing? Peace, victory, and blessing are ours when we are obedient to God’s call to repentance. Olive trees are resistant to drought and disease, even to fire. They are incredible survivors. No matter what this fallen and sinful world throws at us, we can stand strong in our faith and depend on God as our Source. Our roots go deep and hold us in place even when the storms come.
Our Daily Dew
“I will be like the dew to Israel;
he will blossom like the lily
and take root like the cedars of Lebanon.” Hosea 14:5
Interaction with God is meant to take place daily, like the dew each morning. He even says, “I will be like the dew to Israel:” We offer ourselves to Him and receive from Him daily. This is what makes us blossom and take root. Daily dependence on God.
Action Step:
Will you make a choice today to take root in the blessings of God? Repent and turn to Him daily. When we do, we will be a blessing to the generations. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be a burden or a problem for my kids or future grandkids. I may not have a lot of money to leave them, but I have this ability to make decisions.
I can decide today to choose a Christ-centered lifestyle. I can choose today to repent and set an example of holiness for them. How much better is a heritage of holiness than a bank account!
Let’s take root and bless the generations!
Dear God, please help us to take root in You daily. To keep coming back daily in repentance and connection to the Father. Help us to feel the blessing Your dew in our lives. Make us hardy and steadfast as we serve You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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Thank you! (& that’s why I struggled to find things last week!) I’m all good now 🙂