Week 6: Wisdom 6: Proverbs 4:7 – Film developing
“Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment.” Proverbs 4:7
Behind the Camera
I like to take pictures. I am not a great photographer, but it is something that I like to play around with and improve in. A few years back for my birthday, my husband bought me a DSLR camera (the one I film my tutorials on now) and I love the things I can do with it.
Learn the Basics…and More
However, the more I play with my camera, the more I realize how much I don’t know. In the beginning, I figured out the basics, but I haven’t spent the time to learn more than the basics. Every time I go to take pictures, I wish I knew more about photography. Then, daily life takes over, and I get busy and forget to learn more.
Wisdom is like my Camera
If I get a little wisdom, sometimes I can get to feeling pretty smart. Then, I get busy and forget that I need to go get more wisdom.
“Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment.” Proverbs 4:7
Develop good judgment. The word develop makes me picture a dark room and the pre-digital practice of developing photographs. Developing takes time. Time soaking in one chemical and then another. Time hanging to develop and dry.
Developing Takes Time
Developing takes time, focus, and effort. The steps have to be completed in the right order. Each of the steps taking exactly the right amount of time. When we seek to get wisdom and develop good judgment, it takes time. Let’s not become weary or get too busy to seek the wisdom of God and His good judgment.
Wisdom in the Word Week 6 ACTION STEP:
What are some ways we can get wisdom and develop good judgment?
- Don’t give up! Be patient and keep plodding toward good judgment.
- Stay in the Word of God and hear His wisdom daily.
- Seek and listen to the advice of Godly counsel.
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Wisdom in the Word Week 6 PRAYER:
Dear God, We want to grow in Your wisdom and develop good judgment through Your teaching. Help us to listen to the right voices. Encourage us to never give up as we daily come to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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