Week 7: Wisdom 7: Proverbs 13:20 – Shoe
“Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” Proverbs 13:20
A Shoe Girl
Time for a confession: I am a shoe girl. I really, really like shoes. However, unlike most women who really like shoes, I am not drawn to shiny, sparkly or high-heeled pumps. Instead, I love patterned tennis shoes. Especially Converse high-top sneakers. I gravitate towards all the different colors and patterns when I pass a window display.
What’s your window display?
What do you gravitate towards? Who are you drawn to? Sometimes I feel myself drawn to spend time with people who simply make me feel better about myself. People who boost my ego; make me feel smarter, prettier or more talented; or agree with my opinions can be fun to hang around with, but they are not always best for us.
The Best Group
“Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” Proverbs 13:20
When we choose people who are wiser than us and challenge us to hang out with, we become wiser as we spend time with them. If we choose to surround ourselves with people who are at our level or share all of our opinions, we set ourselves up for harm in the future. Who we spend time with determines who we become.
Wisdom in the Word Week 7 ACTION STEP:
Take some time to think about who you hang out with and why you have chosen them. Could you add some people wiser than you are who might challenge you? Is there someone in your life that is dragging you down to the level of fool? Ask God what needs to shift in your companions. Take some time to listen to what His Holy Spirit is speaking to you. I am going to do this today too. I struggle with interpersonal relationships and think I do not give enough thought to who I am spending time with.
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Wisdom in the Word Week 7 PRAYER:
Dear God, Guide and direct us as we think about who we spend time with. Open our eyes to the changes we need to make and lead us to wise companions. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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